Hi Nitrite/ammonia- Fish Dying


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
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London- England
Tank size: 350l
pH: 8.0
ammonia: 0.25
nitrite: 0.25
nitrate: 20ppm
tank temp: 26c

Hello all,

I am hoping someone can give me some advice. I have a tank of Malawi Cichlids and they are ill and dying at a rate of about 1 a day.

I have been incredibly stupid and added a large number of fish to a tank that have not been left to mature for long enough.

I am changing about 50% 0f the water a day and they appear to be improving. Obviously i need to keep up the water changes to keep the concentration of the poisons down but will this have a negative effect on my ext filters in that it won't allow them to build up bacteria?

I am absoloutly gutted and angry at myself for allowing this to happen. I don't know what else to do other than keep on changing water.

I have lowered the water level to aid aeration. I have also been using Prime as i was recommended to help lower the nitrates and nitrites.

Does anyone have any suggestions please??

Thanks, Andy
Keep as much water in the tank as possible - more water = lower concentration of poison. Use an air stone or something if you want aeration.

Keep up with the water changes - I'd be 50-75% a day and test twice a day.

Water changes will NOT affect your filters. All excess ammonia and such is just that - excess. The filters will be fine.

Good luck and keep us updated!
Increase those water changes to at least 80% per change, so your Malawi barely have enough water to cover them. Be prepared to do this twice daily until you get "double zeros" (no ammonia or nitrite readings).

Check your filter sponges for rotting excess food. Rinse them gently in a bit of tank water.

While doing water changes, gravel/sand vaccuum the tank floor, again to remove rotting food.

Evaluate how much you are feeding your fish daily. It should be about the size of one eye per fish. More will either rot in the tank or create excess fish waste, both resulting in toxic ammonia and then nitrites.
Thanks for your speedy responses. Also, sorry about the poor grammar and spelling. Really should read before i post!

I will continue with the water changes as advised. Also will cut back the feed.

Just before the deaths began my fish started rubbing off objects in the tank. I started treating for gill flukes as there was nothing to suggest ich. I was using Waterlife Sterazin. They don't seem to be rubbing as much now but i have been unable to treat them to the directions due to all the water changes, so should i just leave them with cafeful monitoring until the water quality is better or do i need to try and treat at the same time? Obviously, using medication is near on impossible while doing water changes so frequently.

Do you feel the water temp is ok or would i benefit from an increase or decrease?

Also,the more fish that die, the less are in the tank, and the higher the aggression! It's a minefield!
You can get large bottles of double concentration Sterazin for less than £20, which meant I could do increased water changes and then compensate for lost meds in the water removal (so if I did 50% water change, I take presumption I lost 50% of the Sterazin already added to tank since I started the 10-day course) before then adding the next day dose of 7ml for a 240l tank
Also, how many times a day do you all feed your fish. Once or twice? I have been feeding as much as they can eat in a couple on mins twice a day. There is never any left so sink but as you say, the more food, the more fish waste.
I feed my three tanks twice daily, a little at breakfast and a little late-afternoon. I also include a "famine" day once a week, usually a Tuesday, although literally this minute I have realised I've broken the famine rule today and so tomorrow I shall have to play evil fish keeper instead!
(Does fish good, helps clear their bowels and helps compensate for any overfeeding).

I must admit I proably overfeed them a little, but the two smaller tanks get the equivalent of at least two 50% water changes per week (sometimes two large changes, sometimes several small ones). The large tank has only been running two days so I cannot comment on that, but at least I have a hose pipe and a garden immediately outside the garage to siphon water out (and I will try to prepare fresh de-chlorinated water in bath next time and then siphon it into the tank)!
Thanks for all the advice.

I have kept Malawi's before with success, but on this occasion my heart ruled my head. I feel so bad for the fish that have passed away. I know we learn from our mistakes but when lives are at stake.............

The Sterazin has guidelines as you know, saying treat on day 1-3-5 etc. If i change large ammounts of water daily should i just keep giving a dose every day then?

Really appreciate your help. Sorry so many questions, I just want to get it right as so far i have been so wrong.


Lets say it is day6 and you have added the day6 dose...

You decide to do a 50% water change in say a 297l tank.

By this stage in the meds cycle, 30ml of Sterzin has been added (using the concentrated formula). You have just lost ~15ml worth of Sterazin while removing water.

You therefore add 15ml of new Sterazin to the tank after refilling.

Your now fresher water tank has again got 30ml of Sterazin back in the tank, which is how much should be there after a day6 dose
Thanks again.

Have just noticed one with red stripes/ blotches in his tail and anal fin. i can only describe it as like broken blood vessels. He is swimming around but doesnt look to clever.

I am off to do another water change. Will keep you informed of how they are getting on.

Kind regards,

Thanks again.

Have just noticed one with red stripes/ blotches in his tail and anal fin. i can only describe it as like broken blood vessels. He is swimming around but doesnt look to clever.

I am off to do another water change. Will keep you informed of how they are getting on.

Kind regards,


my cory had broken blood vessels on its side, and died the following day :sad: . i was told on here it was very likely to have been an internal bacterial infection. is that what sterazin is for?
yep its shame theyve died, allyou can do now is do your best to keep the rest alive *hugs*
I feed my fish 2 times a day. Generally a veggie snack in the morning and something with fish meal/shrimp meal in the evening. I try to take out what isn't eaten as well.
Thanks all for your comments.

Since my last post i have lost 1 fish- the one with the red bloody fins. He took a turn for the worse and was clearly in distress so i had to put him out of his misery. :( Otherwise things seem to be improving.

I have kept up the wholesale water changes and it seems to have done the trick. They are looking more like normal healthy fish although a few are still not eating. I guess it takes a while to get it completly out of their systems and recover.

The rubbing off rocks seems to considerably better too.

A painful lesson learned. Don't be hasty to put fish in a new tank!
Thanks again.

Have just noticed one with red stripes/ blotches in his tail and anal fin. i can only describe it as like broken blood vessels. He is swimming around but doesnt look to clever.

I am off to do another water change. Will keep you informed of how they are getting on.

Kind regards,


my cory had broken blood vessels on its side, and died the following day :sad: . i was told on here it was very likely to have been an internal bacterial infection. is that what sterazin is for?
yep its shame theyve died, allyou can do now is do your best to keep the rest alive *hugs*

Hi, Sterazin is for gill and body flukes. It also treats internal worms. The fish didn't make it. Had to put him to sleep :(
Kind regards,

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