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Nov 1, 2012
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hi . just tried getting this on my iphone 4 with the app available but didnt work when i put the sites URL in . anyway i was wondering if you know what fish this was and if it was pregnant i completely forget what it was called . is it a platy ? its the silver one by the way thanks .

Both those fish are female platies.

If they've been in the same tank as a male, at any time in the last six months or so, then they'll both be pregnant; the sliver/blue one looks like she has a week or so to go yet. The red one isn't as fat, so she's probably not due for another three or four weeks.
Both those fish are female platies.

If they've been in the same tank as a male, at any time in the last six months or so, then they'll both be pregnant; the sliver/blue one looks like she has a week or so to go yet. The red one isn't as fat, so she's probably not due for another three or four weeks.

thank you . i have two 2 silver and 4 red . iv put her in the pregnancy box thing because i know they eat there own young so im told .
The silver one could also be a highfin variatus, do you have a closeup pic of her?

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