Hi Im New


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2005
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USA - north georgia
Hi, Im Ariel and I live in Florida.

I just bought a 35 gallon tank, and after much research and long nights, i think i finally know what i am going to put in it. I am not a complete newbie, Ive had a teeny 6 gallon tank for a year and it looks great. My sister also lives nearby with a few tanks. I live right next to a great fish store where they wont sell me anything unhealthy or what wont work in my tank. From them and other sources of info, i have compiled a list of what i think might be compatable

35 gallon tank:

5 or more rumy nosed tetras

6 neon tetras

2 zebra danios (to cycle the new tank)

1 or two dwarf gouramis

1 or two german blue ram (are these ok to keep with the other fish?)

2-3 cory catfish

The set up would vary a bit between numbers, and i know not to add all fish at once, but over a few weeks.

I have bought chunks of lava rock and plan to have all live plants in my tank, with very fine natural colored gravel. I know all about the plant fertilizer and CO2 pump, which i plan to get when i set up the tank. The tank also has flourescent lighting.

Is all of this compatable? Please feel free to reccomend other fish!

Thanks alot :]

im lou lou im new i am 12 years of age and i live in england
Hello Ariel (are you a mermaid??) and loulou and welcome to the forums. :hi:

I don't see any compatibility problem with your stocking list except the corys would be much happier if you had 5 or 6 and I think the rams would probably be better if you had a male/female pair. Since you already have a tank running and so does your sister, I would suggest leaving the danios out and doing a fishless cycle. With seed material for your's or your sister's filter media, you could probably do a complete fishless cycle in 10 to 14 days and not put the danios through the stress of cycling. Keep in mind also that if you cycle the tank with 2 danios, it will only be cycled for 2 fish and you will get a mini cycle every time you add more fish. And the rummy nose and neons (as well as some corys) you are planning on are all on the delicate side so they won't fare too well in a cycling tank.
thanks for replying. I read your thread on fishless cycling rdd, and it had convinced me to go with a fishless cycle. It sounds much safer for your fish. I cant believe i almost tortured my fish :-( . Thank you so much.

P.S. Will the male/ female pair of rams spawn in my tank? If so how often?
Glad the thread helped. As I said, with some filter media from one of the other tanks, it shouldn't take long at all. I have never had rams so I'm not sure about them. I did plan to having 4 in my 75 gallon but couldn't find them for so long I gave up. I don't know how hard it is to get them to spawn. Ask in the New World Cichlid section and I'm sure someone there can tell you.

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