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Nov 2, 2006
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I have a seriously neglected 24 gallon Aquapod by Current USA. I have recently had a cyno outbreak that I'm trying to overcome. I believe it came from the recent demise of my golden wrasse. My 2 year old has a strange affection for this aquarium. She loves to turn the lights on/off, open the feeding door and we don't want to know what she does...washes her hands, I have found spoons and forks in there, occasionally there will by a Polly Pocket diving with the fishes....If you don't know what a Polly Pocket is....you REALLY don't want to know - most of their accessories are fodder for the vacuum.

Anyway, currently there is about 15+ pounds of live rock, a royal gramma, a few hermit crabs, a sally foot crab, botton polyps are hanging in there, xenia....not holding out a lot of hope for him...Spoon landed right square in the middle of it....lots of purple coraline agae is coming back though. - - Oh yeah...didn't mention that my stock pump quit working so I'm currently cripping along with only a MJ600. My new MJ1200 is on order....please please please be here tomorrow.

I have on order
bunch of nassasomething snails
bristle star
queen conch
some chaetomorpha algae - -I'm going to convert the first chamber into a fuge with a submersible LED light
some yellow polyps
I'm also strongly considering modifying the aquarium to enable me to put my MJ600 into the first chamber...still thinking about that...wondering if the chaetomorpha algea would clog it up too much.
Hi there! I don't know what other people's experiences with Chaeto are, but I have found it to be problematic for clogging things, especially powerhead intakes if its given the opportunity. It's so wirey that it doesn't chop up easily and tends to make tangles around things. It is fairly easy to remove though, compared to other algaes anyway, and the problem doesn't occur unless it gets right up against the plastic mesh or grid where the flow is.

She loves to turn the lights on/off, open the feeding door and we don't want to know what she does...washes her hands, I have found spoons and forks in there, occasionally there will by a Polly Pocket diving with the fishes....

Uuhhhh...I don't mean to sound harsh here, but that sort of thing really shouldn't be going on in an aquarium, especially a saltwater one that's about to have more stock added to it. I'm all for kids interacting with aquariums since it can be great for learning, but the interactions should be the sort that are safe for the animals. All it takes is for some object to be dropped in that either has soap residue or some other chemical on it, and then you run the risk of doing a lot more than flattening a polyp or two. I've seen and heard about quite a few tanks running into trouble from things like that, and it's really not worth the risk.
LOL, Accidents do happen. :lol:

Polly Pockets swimming with fishies sounds like fun

Let me assume that some members of this forum don't have 2 year olds. Or atleast 2 year olds that can scale the side of a door frame.

Trust me, there is absolutely nothing questionable about my parenting skills. My youngest one is simply rather inquisitive and once she sets her mind to something...she's gonna do it. Her spell with redecorating the Aquarium seems to be receeding somewhat however, she knows she shouldn't...but does it anyway...that's what 2 year olds do. and you cannot protect them from everything. The only thing that could harm her within this aquarium are some polyps which she can't reach unless she takes the top off of the aquarium and dives.....hhhhmmmm she probably hasn't thought of that yet. and if she were to take a glass and drink from the aquarium...which simply isn't likely.

Yes, I know that the smallest simplest thing can upset the delicate balance of a SW aquarium....AKA I do have an overabundance of Cynobacteria right now and a small outcropping of green hair seems to be growing on one of my rocks. I am taking the appropriate steps to try and eliminate these two problems...This aquarium has been set up for well over a year and a half with the only casualties being a few hermit crabs and the before mentioned Xenias....but they still have little buds...just not opening...there's still hope. My new stock with the exeption of the Snails and new pump will not be in until next week. I got the snails and pump in yesterday and they are doing one heck of a good job grazing....

Thanks for the welcome. :(
I said I'm not gonna question your skills, and I do have a 2 year old sister so I know what you mean. Can I ask where the tank is?

about the welcome, we do care a lot about fish and such on this forum, and I hope you didn't get the wrong idea
I know you said you "weren't going to question my skills"....it's just that two posts in a row were going down that path and I simply decided to clarify things.

Both of my tanks are in our living room...

My FW tank is on the fireplace hearth....don't get the wrong idea about heat issues...the hearth is about 16ft long - it extends the entire lenth of our room. For whatever reason...she has no interest in opening that tank.

The SW tank is on a 2 ft high stand/table. The stand that you can order for the aquapod just looks too top heavy.

I also like to have my tanks and the children's eye level....if they are too high...they're no fun....my husbands idea was to put them on the mantel.....AAAAGGGG...I'm only 5'3".... I would have to be at the ceiling in order to clean the darned thing...and can you imagine changing the water????

I'm surprised that companies have not come up with child locks for aquarium hoods. I would think there would be a real market for that. But they would probably end up like child proof medicine bottles, and the children would have no problem opening them, but adults would never be able to open them. :lol:
Welcome to TFF
There is water and electricity, keep kids away. Im not saying YOU dont just a waring for everyone. There was a newspaper artical with a man killed because he dident turn his heater offn when working on the tank.

I hate polly pockets too. I also love the aquapod but cant find it here in england.

Ps- if thats your pic in your profile you look like my mum. LOL
Yep that's me....after several several Dark and Stormy's in Bermuda - - I got to the point I couldn't remember the name of them and started calling them "Dark and Rummies" - - the bartenders knew what I meant.

And about the electricity...everything is well protected....and the surge strip is actually higher than the aquarium...impossible for water to drip down into it.
lol, sounds like a typical 2 year old there :D, watch that she doesn't do too much to that tank as I remember my days as a youngster - unpredictable. I spread avacado dip all over my parents 51cm phillips TV, and my motive? - was fun and interesting :rolleyes: So the purpose of what she's doing doesn't suprise me. :blush:

Nonetheless welcome to the forums fishygayle, I'm a regular helper here on the marine forums (as well as several others) so feel free to ask any advice on any fish related (or even life related :D ) issues that you may have.

:hi: B)
welcome to TTF marine section we're a freindly bunch honest please feel free to ask questions and post pictures even of polly pocket diving :rofl:
wow i so want to see a polly pocket in a tank. i wonder if the fish have made friends yet lol :D also welcome.

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