Hi have 75 g tank was wondering if my planned community is ok

Vincent and rub

New Member
Feb 23, 2017
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i was planning 6 guppy 4 platty 3 sailfin rainbow fish 2 dwarf rainbow 2 Boise and rainbow not sure of the spelling 6 khuli loach 5 yotoloach 4 albino bristle nose 2 butterfly pleco 1 green phantom pleco 2 flash pleco 2 gold stripe panaque 3 panda Cory 3 albino Cory 3 bronze Cory 2 8 molly and 6 gourami 5 eldlers live nearer
Welcome to TFF!

What you are planing is called fish soup and will neither make the fish happy nor the eye of the beholder ;)

How far have you got? Is your tank set up already? Did you cycle it? Planted?

You are mixing very different needs here concerning temp, water hardness, flow and activity.

The first and most important question should be about your water parameters, soft or hard (KH, GH)?

In general fish fare much better in larger groups of the same species than small numbers of many different species. (There are exceptions for territorial species, but the majority you list here are shoaling fish.) For me it's always better to have a single species with double the numbers instead of having two different species with only half the number each.

As your tank has a very lovely size my stocking recommendation (pay attention to the water parameters here!) would be 2 (1-3) species for the bottom two shoaling species for the middle and in addition 1-3 species, which are happy in smaller numbers, maybe a little larger and territorial as "centerpiece". Those numbers are not set in stone and will heavily depend on the exact fish you chose. Importantly, it is always good to start with the minimum and increase later, as removing and re-homing surplus fish is always a pain for the fish and for you.

If you didn't start your tank yet, I highly recommend to chose sand as substrate. many fish will benefit.

Don't be afraid to ask anything here, as you seem to have not much knowledge yet! We will try to help.
Welcome to TFF. :hi:

I concur with the above post. Believe me, the hodge-podge you hint at will not be satisfactory to you, primarily because it will not suit the fish's individual needs as hobby5 referenced, and the fish will show it and be stressed, and stress is the direct cause of 95% of fish disease. So it really does pay to research each individual species' requirements and ensure you can provide them.

Ok so which species should I remove
You will need to research each of the species you listed at the start, and decide for yourself. The fish will need similar water parameters/temperatures to be put together, and as hobby5 said, you will want to spread out the levels where the fish are (so not have, say, all top dwellers).
Agree. I'm sure many of us would be willing to offer suggestions to get started, but we need to know your water parameters (specifically the GH and pH) so we can head in the right direction.
Ok will try to get the kit next salary pretty much exhausted my budget coz my wife's mother came home and we spent a lot hehe
Ok will try to get the kit next salary pretty much exhausted my budget coz my wife's mother came home and we spent a lot hehe

You don't need to spend money on kits for this. All you need to know is the GH, KH and pH of your source water. If you are on municipal water, look for the website of the water authority. Many have water data posted, and this info might be included. Or you can call them during office hours and ask.

GH and KH will tend to remain at the levels in the source water, unless you target them (e.g., having calcareous rock that will increase the GH and pH), so this will get you started.

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