Looks like a phosphate deficiency to me. Leaves that are deficient in phosphate grow darker than normal. The leaves also look a little wrinkled to me that could be a calcium deficiency, also keep in mind that calcium and magnesium work hand in hand.
Crypts are heavy root feeders so require heavy root fertilization. They are also heavy calcium feeders and will struggle in soft gh water. Flourish tabs have calcium but very little magnesium and not much phosphate at .17% and hardly any nitrogen at .3%
I actually use two different root tabs flourish root tabs which are 10$ for 10 tabs and planted aquarium concepts tabs 20$ for 40 tabs. planted aquarium concepts have higher levels of phosphate at .65% and nitrogen at 1.33% and magnesium at .215% to .22 calcium.
From the looks of your plants id suggest a root tab or a combination of root tabs with more phosphates and calcium/mag.
While phosphates can be provided by fish food and waste many times those phosphates have a difficult time getting to roots in that form so the crypts get what little they can from water column which doesnt look like they are getting enough. From your pics your crypts also are flattened out instead of growing vertically, crypts do well in lower light in bright light they flatten out instead of grow up which would suggest light is too bright for them. Either try re positioning them to a shadier part of the tank, provide floating plants over to diffuse light or decrease light intensity.
Good luck hope this helps.