Hi From West Midlands~England


New Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hi All,
Well its been a while since i was last here, but wanted to re-introduce myself and update you all on my situation. I started 5 years ago with trops in a 30L tank, running on cannister filter. Then two years ago i took the plunge and moved into the world of marine. Loads of learning but got there im the end and everything was fine until a week ago, we also have two cats and they came back with there own pets after a day out.. They came back with flees...Bare with me cos my tale gets worse...My wife decided that the best way to cure the flees was to treat them, great no problem, but then she got hold of one of these flee bombs while i was at work and great job it killed the flees in the house, what she forgot was MY PRIDE AND JOY...MY TANK !!! I have a custom built 130L top with a 100L sump, running a berlin system, with fujian live rock, i had 2 percula clowns, 2 sand gobys, cleaner shrimps, hermits and turbos, dust feathers and various hard corals. In one swoop of a flee bomb the lot died !!!! IM GUTTED AS YOU CAN IMAGINE....Anyway i cant afford to start over again, but i dont want to stop everything so im going back to basics and wanting to start up with trops again. Question i have is can i use my same setup for trops, ok i know everything needs to be cleaned totally, remove salt etc, and now im guessing i will have no use for my calcium reactor, protein skimmer or RS Ozinezer. My substrate is arogonite sand. What's you thoughts ? :blink:

Well, welcome back! Great to have you here, even under these circumstances. So sorry to hear about your tank. I really can't help with advice, but wanted you to know how sorry I am for your losses.
Thanks Colleen, Hopefully i can get some information from the forum which will help me to decide what to do next
Thanks for the replies folks, im looking into an empty tank and wondering wether i should just sell up :sad:
Have a read up on African cichlids Lake Malawi, you may find it will be up your street.
Don't give up hope, you are half way there if not more with the equipment.
Welcome back! Don't give up! If you decide to got for Trops, I am in Stourbridge and if you need any Mature media I can help you get going!


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