Hi From Somerset!


New Member
Mar 7, 2009
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:good: Hi all,

Just a quick post to say hi - just starting out in fish keeping so please be patient! :lol:

Currently have a small 'beginer' tank with a few goldfish in it - it was a present to my 6 year old daughter - to give her responsibilty into looking after something....its gone very well so far :nod:

It is a betta tank that is bow fronted - ideal for her first tank! :nod:

However now I have the bug :nod: I was in a pet store today and saw a corner tank (190l) and now I want one!! :nod:

Ive been looking on the net and have seen the juwel trigon (190l) and I want one........ :wub:

So my questions are - is the Juwel any good and where is the best(and cheapest) place to buy one (with cabinet)

Any thanks in advance for any help/advice and look forward to many more question/discussions in the future :good:

Cheers Dave b B-)
Juwel are a very good and supply a 2 year warranty. If your from somerset try wellington/taunton maidenhead aquatics very nice shop and the tank are reasonable if your buying it brandnew. And all the fish in the shop are rated on the difficulty to keep. Stick to tetras and mollies and maybe a nice Male fighter to start with.
move the gold fish into the larger tank (are they fancies or commons?)

as a small tank <100 litres is way too small. in a 190 litre tank you could keep 3 fancies with a massive external canister filter
Hi Dave,

:hi: to TFF!

Just to agree with Truck, the tank you have the goldfish in is way too small for their requirements. Unfortunately goldfish are one of the most mis-treated species on the planet. The fish-bowls, commonly known as "Goldfish Bowls" are absolutely unsuitable for goldfish, but the name stuck.

I'd advise that you need to either get a bigger tank for the goldie or take it back to the shop and get a different fish which is better suited to your existing tank.

Cheers :good:


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