Hi, First Day With Fish!


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2010
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:yahoo: Just a quick note to introduce myself and my tank, I didn't think I would ever be able to move across to a fish board. Ive been fishless cycling since August and finally, I have my first fishies!! 11 Bentosi Tetra, they are fantabulous!! Here's a pic and will keep you all updated as I add more fish to my family!

Wow looking great :D
i like the backgrounds of the tank :good:
Thanks! Got some proper characters in the fish - hope they stay that way!
Thanks again, background is a Juwel rockscape, im planning on some plants eventually to go in the tank, and my next additions may be some Black Widow Tetras, Penguin or Emporer Tetras and 3 blue gouramis..... but Im very open to suggestions!

Hopefully it should be looking finished by the time :santa: visits my house!

When you are talking about blue gouramis, do you refer to the 3-spot or the dwarf?

What about a fish for the bottom? Cories, loaches...
I love the dwarf gouramis, so think itl be those, as for the bottom, ive seen some albino bristlenose plecs, ive been advised to get 3, 2females and a male, but my lfs has said the size they sell them its pretty impossible to sex them.

But, as i say, im open to suggestions
Your tank is too small for the bristlenose in the long run. Look for another plec that stays smaller; at planet catfish you can read profiles for all the different plecs and other catfish.
The tank is 190 litres, more than enough for Bristlenose Plecos :lol:
Your tank is too small for the bristlenose in the long run. Look for another plec that stays smaller; at planet catfish you can read profiles for all the different plecs and other catfish.
started to panic when I read that!!! Think the bristles are going in next, whenever this snow eventually goes.....

How many bristles do you all think would be alright for the tank size?

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