Hi Everyone!


Mostly New Member
Jan 23, 2016
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So its been a while, but i am back and once again addicted to fish keeping. Its been around 3 years since i had my last tank, i'v gone for seomthing small this time just a 70L simple tank that is low maintenance. This was my last tank;

It was a 6ft monster that was fully planted with a Co2 system.
It actually started like this;

With the 3D background. I found it to be possibly poorly constructed though as it sat below the water line which meant i constantly had fish dissapearing behind it. Thats why i ended up removing it and why there was silicone stuck to the glass!

Thats the best piece of bogwood i have ever had, it was over 2ft tall and when planted looked amazing!
My favorite fish has always been the L27 or L191, this was mine;

Iv had more tanks than i can remember, here is a few;

^ Breeding set up.

^ First ever tank!

^ I think this was my first ever attempt at a "Natural" tank lol!
I'v always loved breeding fish, there's quite a few that were succesfull from Super red bristlenose to Panda Corys and once i swear i had emporor tetra eggs! I had to take the fish away because they were killing everything that came near an ornament in the tank!
So err yeah, hello again!
Your fish ate off plates? Thats posh
And Hello
LOL nooooooo, it was just there to not disturb the sand when filling the tank!
Hi and welcome to the forum. The plate is a good idea. I've seen someone else using a colander too! Kitchen accessories never fail us, my turkey baster is my favourite :D

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