Hi Everyone! New To The Hobby


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Hi everyone. I'm from Massachusetts. About 1.5 years ago I bought a red male betta fish whom I named Moses. I kept him in a 1 gallon fish bowl. It looked very classy but the maintenance got to be a pain. Moses died about a year ago (I buried him in the garden. I didn't have the heart to flush him) and I swore up and down, no more fish more me, nope, not my things. Haaa...I was wrong

Just last month for whatever reason I got inspired to try fish again. I got myself a 2.5 gallon tank at Walmart and I replaced the big clunky filter included in the kit with a Nano Art Deco filter (absolutely love it! Highly recommended for smaller tanks). All I can say is...wow! Keeping fish in a filtered aquarium is soooo much easier than maintaining a fishbowl. I have 3 female bettas in the tank and they all seem to do fine together. I also recently transferred a Honey Gourami into the tank with them as well and they are gettting along fine (yeah, I know, I really should have a bigger tank for these 4 fish, but they are doing well and no aggression, so it will do for now) I absolutely love the lighted hood. It looks so decorative and pretty. In addition to that tank, I also got a 1 gallon tank that uses a bubble stone for a beautiful halfmoon red male betta fish. He is totally thriving.

Currently I am on the look out for 2 new tanks. I have an opaline Gourami who is stuck in a plastic 7/8 gallon tank (he and the honey Gourami don't get along). It is only a temporary living situation and I am looking to find a new 1.5-2 gallon filtered tank for him. It definitely needs to have a lighted hood because I totally love that feature.

I am also looking for an even bigger tank 5-6 gallons to sit on my bookcase here in my home office, so that I can expand my growing hobby. My holy grail fish that I am on a hunt for is a vibrant orange betta fish. I love the color orange and think one would be a stunning addition to my collection.

Currently, I can't get a tank larger than 6 gallons or so because of space constraints. But I would think it should be big enough to be albe to add some interesting variety to my collection. Cherry Barbs are one that I am interested in getting. But it will have to wait until I have more tank room for them.

Soo, that's my hobby in a nutshell. Nice to meet you all here and I have no doubt you can help me with any questions I might have along the way! :)

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