Hi, Could Someone Id My Plec Please


Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2011
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Hi, would someone be able to id my plec please? I know the small one is a bristle nose, just unsure of the one eating the wafer.

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Hmm. If it is, then i guess it can go back to the shop! :rolleyes:
Looks allitle like a gibbeceps if so even worse
can I just ask out of interest why does it have to go back? What's wrong with a common plec? I'm just curious lol
There's nothing wrong with common plecs as such; they're very hardy, peaceful and easy to feed; they just get very large; 18" easily, and some nearer 2 feet; that's a lot of fish to accommodate!
I thought it looked like a gibbiceps abit but obv wrong

But even worse as they get abit bigger and can be extremely aggressive towards other plecs which it's in with a bristle nose so would be worse if it was :crazy:
Id also say a common, so of too the shop you trott

To buy a 6 footer ;)

Common plecs are a much abused species but I think they are great. Not fussy about food or water, get on well with all other fish even tiny neon tetra are safe PLUS they are active and visible. Alice my common is out and about even in daytime and rarely bothers to go into a cave. She's very friendly. always coming to the front of the tank. Yes they do poo a lot but then I guess all big fish do. Lots of people have large 4-6ft tanks for cichlids so why not for a plec? Also love Gregory my L001 who has grown to a huge 13in beauty. He sleeps in his pipe daytime but is swimming actively all over the tank at sunset. My spotted Raphael is a complete waste of bioload, never see it and sometimes forget it's there!
That looks like the ones i`ve got ,pets at home said they were pitbull plecos,and they grow to 8cm max,hope they`re right!!

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