Hi..can I Put


Oct 9, 2006
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4 barbs(2 tigers and 2 green barbs) 2 albino corys, 3 red flame gouramis and 1 electric yellow lemo cichilid togther? thx :*
How big is the tank that you are putting the fish into?
The barbs would nip up the gouramies, the cories aren't in a big enough group, and the electric yellow would kill everything in the tank, save the cories (possibly).
The barbs would nip up the gouramies, the cories aren't in a big enough group, and the electric yellow would kill everything in the tank, save the cories (possibly).

I have to agree with papa smurf about the cichlid, they are very very aggressive fish and tend to nip their tankmates fins if not more (remember that Oscars are part of the cichlid group...and they eat everyone). there are some small south american and african cichlids that tend to be more peaceful maybe you should look into those such as the Kribensis, Purple Cichlid. They also tend to be very colorful fish with less aggressive tendencies. They are smaller too so that should be good in your tank.
I had tiger barbs and albino tiger barbs together and they schooled. :)
i had a yellow cichlid in a 8ft tank full off african cichlids i had 1 male 1 female and the femal on her own was aggresive 2wards even the bigger fish in the tank but wen the male and female got mature there was hell on in the tank as they started breeding and the male was attacking everything in site i dnt no bout the others as i used 2 keep african cichlids and oscars
well, I just bought 3 more fish yesterday(2 albino cories and 1 tiger barb ) so i now have 4 barbs(2 tigers and 2 green barbs) and the 2 albinos. They are getting along great. I have 3 barbs that are very peaceful and 1 just bothers everyone else(gentle play, hes a very curious fish) , but no nipping.

So I want to add 4 more species to complete my tank!

So i cant add gouramis?

Can I add Zebras instead?
Or some bala sharks?
Or some lemon tetras , or some other fish?

Thanks :good:
well, I just bought 3 more fish yesterday(2 albino cories and 1 tiger barb ) so i now have 4 barbs(2 tigers and 2 green barbs) and the 2 albinos. They are getting along great. I have 3 barbs that are very peaceful and 1 just bothers everyone else(gentle play, hes a very curious fish) , but no nipping.

So I want to add 4 more species to complete my tank!

So i cant add gouramis?

Can I add Zebras instead?
Or some bala sharks?
Or some lemon tetras , or some other fish?

Thanks :good:

zebra whats ???? there's a few things with zebra in the common name. :/

bala sharks get to 12" and need to be in groups of 6+ so you'd need a much bigger tank
lemon tetra's.... possibly, but any peaceful fish might get bullied by the tiger barb, you really need something that can hold it's own a little bit. someone may be able to give more info on this but maybe look into something like serpae tetra's, I believe they're a touch more agressive than other tetra's so may be able to cope with the barbs better.

if your going to get gourami's then don't get dwarf's, they're quite peaceful, go for opaline or gold gourami's which can be agressive, they may balance out the barbs
id say 4 barbs, 5 cories, 2 rams and a krib.

thanks, and u too stacey. I dont know too much abt rams or kribs , but ill look it up. :wub:

well, I just bought 3 more fish yesterday(2 albino cories and 1 tiger barb ) so i now have 4 barbs(2 tigers and 2 green barbs) and the 2 albinos. They are getting along great. I have 3 barbs that are very peaceful and 1 just bothers everyone else(gentle play, hes a very curious fish) , but no nipping.

So I want to add 4 more species to complete my tank!

So i cant add gouramis?

Can I add Zebras instead?
Or some bala sharks?
Or some lemon tetras , or some other fish?

Thanks :good:

zebra whats ???? there's a few things with zebra in the common name. :/

bala sharks get to 12" and need to be in groups of 6+ so you'd need a much bigger tank
lemon tetra's.... possibly, but any peaceful fish might get bullied by the tiger barb, you really need something that can hold it's own a little bit. someone may be able to give more info on this but maybe look into something like serpae tetra's, I believe they're a touch more agressive than other tetra's so may be able to cope with the barbs better.

if your going to get gourami's then don't get dwarf's, they're quite peaceful, go for opaline or gold gourami's which can be agressive, they may balance out the barbs

oops, i meant zebra danios....ya, balas r too big for my tank, so thats out of the q...I like the drawfs more than the gold and opaline ones, so i dunno...i like the kribs and rams, they look pretty.

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