HI, attention all goldfish owners....


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
I upgraded my poor little goldfish (actually 4 inches!!!) to my 10 gallon. I know some of you will say that is STILL not big enough, but hey now....it's a LOT better than a 2.5 gallon RIGHT!!?? :*)

Wierd thing though......I transferred all of his gravel over into the 10 gallon which is already cycled anyhow, but I did add ALL NEW WATER :blink: ...the temperature was the same in the 10g when I put him in it as his little tank was and he kept going into shock or something :-( Even now, 8 hrs. later, he rests on the bottom of the tank and I have to give him a little nudge and then he is up and running like there's no tomorrow, but then 20 minutes later he will be resting on the bottom again!!???? :sad: :blink: I'm a wee-bit worried......ANYONE have ANY ideas?? :unsure: -_-

I thought I was doing what is best and then I go and practically kill the guy!!!! :-(

trauma. give him a day or two I'm sure he'll be back to normal.

you should see my drama queen oscar. He'll lay on the bottom acting like someone stabbed him for like 2 days after a water change.

(though thats only when I walk in the room. if I sneak a peek at him when he doesn't know I'm looking he's up swimming like normal.)
Was there a Ph difference between the fresh water and the aged water he came from, perhaps? He's probably just moping... will he eat? Have you run the standard water quality tests? You say the 10 gallon was already cycled - do you mean you did a fishless cycle so you expect a large bacteria colony, or was it previously housing other fish? If the latter, it may not have a large enough colony to convert all his waste yet. Yes, the 10 gallon is much better than the 2.5 but in my experience, you'll need 30 gallons for him as soon as possible, others will disagree, that's just my opinion. Keep an eye on the nitrates, a goldfish can produce an amazing amount of waste, and while they are tolerant of imperfect conditions, they will eventually succumb to disease if the nitrates stay too high for too long.
Yes he will eat! :nod: But still today he is laying on the bottom!!!

I don't believe there was ANY differences in water......this 10 gal has perfect readings on everything......0 0 and 25 ammonia nitrIte and nitrAtes.......... and there isn't any difference in PH either!

Yes, it housed my Silver Dollar for over a week while it was recooperating from fungus! I did a "mini cycle" on it just before puting the SD in so it was cycled when little Goldy got it..............perhaps some of the fungus lingers............

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :-(

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