Hi all.


New Member
Dec 28, 2024
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Hi all , I kept tropical fish many years ago and had ( to me ) a large 5 ft tank. I was never any expert at it but I enjoyed it. I have decided to give it another go with a much smaller tank ( 60 litre ). I'm a bit disapointed to read tho that most but not all say that Angel Fish are a no no as the tank is too small. I would love to be able to keep even a couple. Any ponters on this please ? My first of many no doubt stupid questions. My tank size is 24 x 12 x 16 inches high. Thanks all for any advice.
That is a 20 gallon over here. Most say 29 gallon for two, but if small, I say go for it and if needed, go bigger later.
Welcome to the forum! 👋

I've never kept angel fish but I've heard they are best kept in 100L+. Other members may say otherwise. There are plenty of nano species that would work well in a 60L however.
Thanks for joining... :hi:
Well, if you'll start with small angels to start with, it would be okay. But as you already know, they'll need more space later on... or what's also mentioned before by another member, there are other options of fish for this size of tank.

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