Hi All Im New Pls To Meet U


New Member
Nov 27, 2006
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Singapore, Hougang
hiya everybody,

im from Singapore.im quite a newbie at fishes as i've just gotten to know tt they even exist on earth for bout 5years now, when i was 8...

i now have 6 panda corydoras, 6 peppered corydoras, 4 albino corydoras, 12 betta splendens, about 10 guppies(5 are adults n the rest are still babies :/ ), 6 (about three month old) pterophyllum scalares(angelfish), 1 female pregnant endler which i dunno wad strain it is :blush: , 4 tiger endlers,2 red whiptails(a male n a female), 5 white cloud mountain minnows, n im planning to get some otocinclus(probably about 4-6) ,and i noe this is wierd, but i keep some red ram horn snails in every tank i have( to help eat leftover in case i fed too much...dun worry...i wont starve them...).

My goal is to become a marine biologist when i grow up...to be able to learn much more about the aquatic world n it's lifestyles....

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