Hi, about these "Pythons" I've been hearing about


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State
At Petsmart they sell the 25ft Python for $24.99

.......50ft Python for $39.99

........75 ft. for $54.99

Since I'm a little short on cash this week, but I'd like to get one I was wondering if it would work for me to buy the 25 ft one and then 20 ft of the extension tubing for $11.99?? That would be $37.00 instead of $40..........???
I may even need more than 50 feet so if I bought two of the extensions at $12 a piece (that would be $24) and the 25ft Python ($25) that would be $49.00 instead of getting the 75ft one for $55.00 (which would be a little too long anyhow)

What do you guys think???

Not to sound cheap or anything................. :*)

It's not cheap....it's thrifty. :p It would be fine. You just have the joins to worry about for leaks so make sure they are tight and check them often as a lot of water will pass through this over time and we dont always handle things gently aafter a while. HTH :)

That would work fine. Several years ago I bought a python which was way too long as my tank was not that far from the sink so I cut the tubing to fit. In Feb we moved and I just tonight set up the python to go close to 75 feet as I am using the laundry room sink. I bought the tubing from my local hardware store, much cheaper. One of the clerks there is an avid fishkeeper, has 4 tanks so he set me up. Saving money is always a good thing.

Good luck.
silver said:
At Petsmart they sell the 25ft Python for $24.99

.......50ft Python for $39.99

........75 ft. for $54.99
whoa great deals it's like minimum $45(more like 54 actually :eek: ) for the 25 foot and $34dollars for the 20 foot extension at my petstore, have to shop around but haven't seen much yet and i need a 35 feet, it's cheaper to buy the fifty(instead of 25 with the extension). But how can i fill my 90gallon without it, I say :eek: , so i gotta get one oh, well goodluck silver

Actually when I went into Petsmart and looked at the prices they wanted $39.99 for the 25 footer instead of $24.99 like on the NET!!!! :eek:
I was like, WOAH!!! I asked the lady about it and she said that if I went home (UGH :sly: ) and printed out the prices off the net and brought it in, that they'd do price matching!!! I was like, THANK GOD!!!! :D
So, I batted my eyes at hubby and had him drive me home and then back!! :*) They also wanted $19.99 for the 20ft extension instead of $11.99 :eek: But, since I brought in the printout I got it for $11.99 and the 25 foot (that came with 10 bonus feet of tubing!!!! :hyper: ) for $24.99!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember that tip about Petsmart EVERYONE!!!!! :nod:

:clap: :clap: :whistle: :kana: :kana:
silver said:
Actually when I went into Petsmart and looked at the prices they wanted $39.99 for the 25 footer instead of $24.99 like on the NET!!!! :eek:
I was like, WOAH!!! I asked the lady about it and she said that if I went home (UGH :sly: ) and printed out the prices off the net and brought it in, that they'd do price matching!!! I was like, THANK GOD!!!! :D
Silver, you are so lucky that your PetsMart does prices matching to the PetsMart.com prices. I asked at the store once and they said "NO". Maybe I didn't ask the right person?!? It's quite an unbelievable difference though... online the 50 footer is 39.99, and in the store it's 59.99. :eek: I ran into the same type of differences with canister filters!

Anyhoo, I'm gonna try again to get them to match the Python price. Maybe I'll have to ask a manager this time!!!
Wow........at this Petsmart when I went in they wanted $69.99 for the 50 footer......can you EVEN believe the markup vs. online for the 50ft it's only $39.99!!

I was literally floored, standing there open-mouthed!! :eek:
silver said:
Wow........at this Petsmart when I went in they wanted $69.99 for the 50 footer......can you EVEN believe the markup vs. online for the 50ft it's only $39.99!!

I was literally floored, standing there open-mouthed!! :eek:
Ya know Silver, when I posted, I was thinking 59.99 or 69.99, and I thought, 69.99 can't be right 'cuz that's robbery!! But now I think it was 69.99!! Yikes!

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