hi a little help with bacteria bloom



I have recently seen a couple of posts on bacteria bloom people not knowing what it is and why its there so i thought ide do this post for those who dont know
What Is Bacteria Bloom? -_-

White Cloudy Water: White cloudiness is a result of a bacteria bloom.
Sometimes the cleaning of all filters at once, or the changing of the gravel can trigger a bacteria bloom, due to the removal of bacterial colonies that had settled on the filter media or substrate. Another cause can be medical treatment of the tank using antibiotics, which may destroy these colonies. :/
The bacteria are either re-establishing themselves, or are feasting on high nutrients :sad: .

In nutrient rich water they can multiply at such a high rate that the water becomes cloudy white. :-(

A bacteria bloom is cause for concern: :hyper: :-( :crazy:

Bacteria need oxygen. A few grams of bacteria consume about the same amount as an adult human, again posing a threat of de-oxygenation in the aquarium. Immediate action is required if the problem is severe, or persists.

Once again the focus should be on nutrient control. Eliminating excess nutrients will starve the unneeded bacteria colonies resulting in a clearing of the water. A UV-Filter may be somewhat effective, as it kills bacteria. Nevertheless, the problem of high nutrients will not be fixed this way. Therefore the nutrients have to be lowered through water changes and the use of products such as Algone.

It is also advisable to check on ammonia during the period of a bacteria bloom, as ammonia may rise to dangerous levels.

In a salt-water aquarium, the protein skimmer usually helps to prevent and cure a bacteria bloom, as the bacteria are removed as "particles". Make sure the skimmer works properly when a bacteria bloom arises.

A severe bloom can create an oily film and enough foam-depressing agents to make a skimmer go flat (no foam no function). This has to be taken very seriously. Despite oxygen depletion ammonia gets more toxic at higher pH levels, which is characteristic for salt-water environments.
It is therefore vital to make the skimmer work again. An oxidation agent such as potassium permanganate can be used. Diluted and used sparingly (1% and only added in the low ml region) will oxidize enough fat that can be picked up by the skimmer, thus jump starting the system.
what i need to know is how do i remove it can i by somthing or do i just leave it my filter is very pwoer full
thanks all for your help and i hope i can help you out some time in return,
can i just add little bit more for those who dont understand or know just what it is
bacteria bloom can start from many things being
1a new tank syndrome this is the name given to a tank going thru the nitro cycle (maturing ) if this is the case within 10-14 days it should go

1b this will leave the tank as when starting a new tank bacteria is needed to brake down other chemicals in waste of fish (poop pee) :unsure:

2a food over feeding your fish also can cause bacteria blooom as it cuases dirty water and extra chemicals will form so bacteria will bloom thriving on this

2b its easy to tell if you have over fed your fish 1 quick (SNIFF) :crazy: of your tank will do the trick does it have a pinging smell NASTY well there ya go

3a by over cleaning your filteration or gravel can also cause bacteria to bloom
as bacteria lives in your FITER GRAVEL by cleaning these it removes the groups of allready formed bacteria casuing it to need more

4 bad water conditions can also trigger it as the bacteria thrives on fish waste so therefor is to much amonia nitrite is in your tank they will bloom feeding frenzicly on it :blink:

hope this can help in return for the help i need to remove it
i over cleand my small tank as i cheeked filter and bag had split so needed to be changed and i also cleand the gravel over 3 days :sick:
can some 1 please help :no: just i know its not the best thing for a tank so would appreciate any help on removing it or will it just go thanks
:( :crazy:

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