Heya..........My Silver Dollar freaked me out.....


Fish Gatherer
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington State

I now see why people say that SIlver Dollars have been know to eat small fish..... :blink:

Tonight, after I fed them some flakefood out of a brand new canister of food....you know how the flakes are HUGE and then when you get down to the bottom it's like DUST :lol: !!!... .... anyhow, My largest SD took a little nibble on my Albino Cory :eek: It sort of freaked me out but it was cute......he thought he was a piece of flake food and then quickly realized he wasn't.......

Wonder if he felt bad about it :unsure: -_- :rolleyes:
Good thing your cory is ok! Silly SD, :rolleyes: I hope he doesn't make the same mistake again.
Thanks :*)

But now I can finally see why these peaceful non-aggressive community fish get a bad rap sometimes for eating their smaller little buddies........its all by accident :nod: :p
I dont know if it is by accident, my silver dollars love a bit of fish. When i feed the predators they share the tank with with whitebait one of the SDs will always snatch one and make off with it while all the other SDs give chase and take little bites of it as well, a bit like pirahnas but with smaller bites :lol:
I know :lol: , I was kind of teasin' :*)

Just the other day I glanced over at my 55 and I was like WOAH.....those SDs have gotten HUGE!!!!! And they looked freakishly like piranhas all of a sudden!
Don't really notice as the days go by, kind of like children; one day you wake up and your baby is 5 or 10 or 50!!!!! :-(

Okay, I'm not only a crazy cat lady but a crazy fish lady too :byebye:

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