Hey :)

Gemma Bishop

New Member
Mar 29, 2022
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hey everyone.

Just got sent a notification about posting here so just wanted to say hey... I've been keeping fish since I was little and have a major interest in tropical fish, particularly the more unusual species (although I do love myself a personable betta).

Looking forward to possibly offering advice and continuing to learn!

Mind asking what fish you're keeping?
Welcome to the forum Gemma! Do you have any pictures of your tanks?
Currently just have a couple of betta tanks setup and a tropical community tank. Previously kept a few different types of killifish and an oscar :)
Oh nice! What kind of killifish did you kept?

I'm also keeping different species of killifish right now, though it's mainly Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax. Would love to try to keep some of the South American non-annuals in the future.
Hi Gemma, welcome to TFF... :hi:
Were the killifish in one tank with the oscar? Rae combination. But if it works, it works...:)
Hey, thanks everyone and apologies for late reply! Only just got the notifications. Definitely kept my Oscar separate, I believe he would have enjoyed them as snacks. And I kept Gold Panchax mainly (not entirely sure on the Latin name sorry) :)

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