Hey There


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
Reaction score
Bellevue, WA
I've been looking for a new forum to join and Google took me here. I was a moderator of WA FishBox (WA state aquarium hobbyist forum) but the website wasn't holding up very well and neither were it's members so I decided to leave and find a new place to call "home". I currently have a planted 15 gallon community tank that houses 6 neon tetras, 4 black neon tetras, 1 gold gourami, 2 apple snails and 2 dwarf frogs and a 2 gallon tank that holds my marble halfmoon betta. I used to breed bettas but stopped since I didn't dedicate as much time to the hobby as I used to.

Here is my 15gal


Here is my 2gal


More info on my profile; message and/or add me, I love making new friends!
Hello, and welcome Ashley. I think that you'll like it here. So very well organized and every one is so helpful here. BTW, I really like the dark maroon set up of your 15gal. Great close up of the Betta, too! I haven't own one in quite some time. I think i'll get one tonight now...thanks to you. Enjoy!
Hello, and welcome Ashley. I think that you'll like it here. So very well organized and every one is so helpful here. BTW, I really like the dark maroon set up of your 15gal. Great close up of the Betta, too! I haven't own one in quite some time. I think i'll get one tonight now...thanks to you. Enjoy!

My camera isn't the best and makes my tank look dark, but thanks! The plastic canvas in the back with moss growing on it adds to the darkness too.
Welcome to the forum Ashley.
My own fish club has an on-line presence but, as you have indicated, it is not very robust. We do have a standing offer at TFF for local fish clubs here to participate in our forum by having their forum listed here as a subset of our local forums group. We would act as the host forum for your club and, of course, your club members would join TFF to use the local site set up for you here. If you have the authorization of your club, please contact me, another of the MODs or our present Admin, Tolak,to sign up your club to be hosted right here on TFF. We can set you up to be one of our participating local clubs on this site.

We are very interested in having local clubs become one of our regular featured areas. I would be happy to become the MOD for your club as far as keeping it to club business and preventing spamming on your listed site right here. We are a group with a desire to host other clubs in our site. (OK so what do we get in exchange? It is a legitimate question.) What we get is an increase of traffic here at TFF, which makes our value to any potential advertiser greater. More traffic means more value to anyone we end up working with.

Down to cases now: My own club, to be honest, passed up the opportunity to participate and they continue to have their own site on a Yahoo group. They get zero traffic there and must have members devoted to moderating the posts on their site. The end result, in my mind, is that they spend a lot of effort with a very few moderators and get almost no exposure to [potential members in return. I really wish they would listen to me (a bit of ego there) on the subject and join TFF as a subsection for members to use. With me as the club's designated MOD, they would even have a person they knew personally controlling the club site's content.

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