Hey, Problems With Live Plants.


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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hey all, im fairly new here. I have had a 29 gallon tank for about 4 months now give or take. its a tropical aquarium, with 1 golden wonder killi, 2 angelfish, 3 scissortails, and my pride and joy, a 7 inch violet goby (otherwise known as a dragon fish in most stores) I am running an UG filter, all my ammonia, ph and everything in my tank is where its supposed to be at, except the hardness. the water is extremely hard here, but it doesnt seem to bother the fish any, they are all healthy. my question is, I bought 2 plant bulbs from wal-mart, some kind of underwater lily I think, was advertised to work in both cold and warm water aquariums. they have still not sprouted yet. one got a bunch of little hair like things growing around it, but so far nothing else. the other one just sits there. the aquarium is located at a spot in the house where it gets decent but not direct light during the day, and I have the aquarium light running for about 6 hours every day. is there something im doing wrong, or something i need to do to get them to sprout, or should I just give up and get new plants?
Violet Goby? Don't they grow big, like between 15" and 24"? Sounds like your tank might be a little small for this guy once he starts getting bigger.

Sorry - I have no experience of aquarium plant bulbs.... just plants themselves. Try in the planted tank forum?

There have been alot of topics lately about violet gobies in the Brackish Section. Preferably, they should be kept in a brackish or a hard water setup.
Really the bulbs aren't always going to sprout, and the company has a guarantee to replace them if they don't. Usually they take a while to sprout. You just have to make sure that they don't feel soft and mushy or have fungus growing on them, if they do they are no good. It may take a few months for them to sprout; though, it may happen sooner. Did they sink or float? You shouldn't bury them completely in the gravel, only about 2/3 of it can be buried. However you shouldn't even bury that portion until you know which way is "up" on the plant. That's I can think of off the top of my head. If you have any specific questions ask away.

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