Hey hey it's genetics,


Dog Wrangler
Feb 5, 2004
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Just wanted to give y'all a heads up that I'm going to be writing a series of posts regarding basic genetics. If you are already familiar with basic genetic concepts and Mendelian genetics, it probably won't be of much use to you. But if you aren't, it might be helpful.

The first installment is posted in the Breeding subforum Here's the link. But I wanted to tell you guys because I'll likely start adding betta info when I'm done with the first three installments. Just a heads up. :nod:
thats would accually help me out a bunch, i always wondered about betta genetics. i know a lil bit but its all kinda werid. i went to a sight one time to lern and they had pics of theis pair of red bettas and when they were bred the spawn ended up with blues and greens -_-
That seems real strange. You don't get blues and turqs from reds. The blue, greens, and steels are irrids..they are the top layer.
That seems real strange. You don't get blues and turqs from reds. The blue, greens, and steels are irrids..they are the top layer.
I agree, I don't believe he got blues and greens from true reds. Now you do get a layer of green or blue in many reds, mine have it and one of my fry ended up with enough blue that I entered him in the dark bi-color category of the latest show, and he got 3rd place, but to say you get blues and greens from reds, that's just false.

ill try and find u the site, i thoght it was very odd myself, he had some reds and a couple multicolors but a vast amjorit was blue and green. kinda odd -_-

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