Hey guys I`m making a Betta quiz on quizilla.com


Fish Crazy
Jan 31, 2005
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ok so it just popped into me when I woke up,why not a betta quiz?I already started it tells what betta color +what finnage,and perhaps personality,it tells what betta you are closest to.I`d REALLY love it if you guys could give pictures,I`ll give credits in the end and it`d be nice for your betta to be in the quiz B)
Would you like us to post our pics in here and then you can place them in the quiz? Or should we go to the quiz?

Do you care if we just have veiltails? I don't have any fancy fish - just WalMart types but I do love them dearly :wub:
Oh and if you`d like your Betta`s name to show up just say so and anything else
Here's Archie:

Here's Harvey:

and Amos (he's pretty camera shy):

(the one of Amos was taken just after a big ol' hunk of his tail fell off! It's healing back up nicely, though.)
I just realized that I have a somewhat patriotic assortment of fishes! :)

I do love Amos' coloring. He was my first betta. He's such a great little guy. I got him because he looked like he had some sort of horrible sickness (he was mouthing the words "PLEASE take me with you" from the horrid little cup @ WalMart). I took him back to the office with me that day and put him into the little tank that still is his home. He's now waiting for his 5 gallon.

The thing about him is that he's got an odd issue w/flaring. When he flares, only one side actually opens up wide. The other side comes out, but lays pretty much flat against his body. He's my special little boy (and my favorite). :wub:

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