Hey guesss what...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL
After I went to Pets Mart today with my Mom,we were looking e larger aquariums. Mine is only 10 gal,she said if I did could with The Fish I have,only have one Durge the Pleco,plan on adding more once his ich is cured. She said I could have a real passion for this,and said at the end of the summer she might lend me some money to buy a bigger aqaurium :D :D :D We are going to buy it half ,and half since I still have some money from Confirmation,and will probably get more at my 8th Grade graduatin party. This is so cool
glad to hear you're psyched. upgrading is always fun: all the anticipation and a million plans floating around in your head.

I'm glad to see so many people on this forum who are genuinely interested in fish and keeping fish healthy and happy. It may sound sappy, but fish got me through a really tough time in my life. I'd hit rock bottom and my friend knew that I loved watching his fish, so he took me out to get an aquarium and helped me set it up. He and all of the helpful posters in this forum have help me keep some sanity by indulging in a new hobby that I truly love.

So i'm always happy to hear when somebody else is addicted to fish because there are many worse things out there that take up our time and money. So all of you give yourself a pat on the back.

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