Hey Everyone


New Member
Aug 1, 2010
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just joined up, as starting to get into tropical fish have my tank all set up and just letting it settle at mo

any advice would be a great help cheers
Hi, and welcome to the TFF forum :)

If you need any advice on certain aspects of fish keeping head on down to the appropriate section and ask away - you'll be sure to find friendly and helpfull advice off fellow members.

Hi Lermy,

Welcome to the Fish Forum. I have just started keeping tropical fish too and the best bit of advice I can give is "dont rush". Make sure your tank is fully settled before adding your fish. I was too eager and lost one of my favorite fish as a result. Ah well we all live and learn I guess. Look forward to keeping in touch to see how you get on. Rachel
Welcome to the forum Lermy.
We have a whole section devoted to people setting up new tanks, just a bit down from this section. As Rachel said, don't rush stocking your new tank. If we can get you to go through a fishless cycle before adding any fish, you will face a lot less work starting out. Please read through some of the topics in the beginners resource center, especially those related to cycling a new filter. I have a link to the resource center in my signature area.

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