Hey! Bad News

Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hey, Hows it going everyone? I've got some bad news, my Red betta died. :sad: What I could tell he had dropsy, fin rot, stress, and Bloat.

Lot's of Love to all, Holla

IM me if you want to talk to me, I don't want to cause anymore drama like last time.
Hello and welcome back!
I think most things are forgotten, you should feel free to come right back!
:( Poor Betta
Wow.. That's a lot of sickness. I'm not going to say what I planned but I will say, poor betta. :/

u cause drama on a fish forum? ok. wut's the scoop?

thelastbetta~what had you planned to say?

mstinawu~see the thing is......not many people like me on this forumn, and I respect what they think, but it dosn't really affect me.
Sorry about your fishy!!!Sounds like he was quite a fighter what with living with all of that sickness for what must have been a while.

:rip: Little fishy!!!!
I was just wanting to know is if what you had planned to say was bad or good. It wasn't my fault he died. We have been going through a lot of problems lately and yesterday I saw two people die right in front of me. I am only 15 and I saw a man who's arm was severed and his heart was sticking out of his chest, so I might not be in the best of moods lately.

Lot's of Love angel. :wub:

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