Hey All, New To The Forums And To The Hobby


New Member
Oct 20, 2006
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hey guys, just got into this hobby about a month ago. I currently have 2 tanks, a 29 gallon tank (my primary) and I have a 10 gallon but its only as a hospital tank (unfortunatly already in use) I kinda got into the hobby cuz I saw a Violet Goby (otherwise known as a dragon fish) at wal-mart and liked it so I started setting up a tank (I didnt by the Goby from wal-mart I bought it from a local dealer thank God) I bought the tank from wal-mart though, got a tank kit, and decor from wal-mart, but I purchased an undergravel filter from the same local dealer I got most of my fish from. I have as follows:

From Wal-Mart:
Golden Wonder Killi, hes about an inch and a half, and right in I have him in the hospital tank, got him back and discovered his belly was bloated and a red spot on it. i have looked for info on what this is but to this day have had absolutly no solid feedback. I put him in a ten gallon and put in some medicine for dropsy because thats the only suggestion I had as to what it was and I dont think it was that. however the swelling is going down, the red spot is still there however.

From the local dealer:
3 Scissortails, about an inch long
2 angelfish, one about 3/4 of an inch the other about an inch
1 Violet Goby, about 7 inches long.

all but the Killi seem to be in good health and adjusting fine to the tank, and the killi acts normal its just his belly. I feed all the fish but the Goby tropical fish flakes. Im feeding the Goby fish pellets, but so far hes not eating them constantly, at most just sampling them. the guy who sold it to me said that they take awhile to warm up to new food, and hes testing it out which is an improvement, when i first got him he ran away from the pellets, didnt even try them so i have good hopes. anyway, hope to learn a lot from this forum, and get some helpful advice and just get good info from others with the same interests.

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