

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
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London, UK
My black moor is showing signs of having hexamita. White stringy poo, lathargic, excess body slime, lump on his underside.

I seem to be finding lots of articles around this problem with discus'.and can only find medication for hexamita in discus'

Would this be worth giving a go since I can't find any help regarding hexamita in Black Moors.


Thanks in advance
This is what I do for angels, you may want to look into the maximum temp your fish can handle. Metro was originally designed for humans, the closer you can get the tank to 98.6F the better.

Put the angel in a quar tank, I usually use a 10 gallon. Increase the temp over a day or so to 90-94F. Treat daily with 40 mg/gallon metronidazole, with 50% water changes daily. If the fish isn't eating, don't feed for the first 3 days. After 3 days, get some frozen brine shrimp. Take a portion about the size of a few match heads, and sprinkle on some metro. You have to eyeball this one, make the shrimp look kind of like a tiny powdered donut. Once it thaws, mix it in & feed. Sometimes they still don't eat for a few days, but once they start to mouth the food & spit it out, the meds seem to get in their system real good. Continue medicating the water & food for 7-10 days.

Metronidazole is sold as flagyl, het-a-mit, and a few other names I can't recall offhand, used to treat hexamita & hole in the head. They usually suggest 20mg/gallon, this often isn't enough. Metro deteriorates in 8 hours, so you could do twice daily water changes. I've done this on the weekends when I have time.

I've also added epsom salt while using metro, this helps with any constipation issues, cleans out the digestive tract. I start with 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons of water, increasing by 1 teaspoon daily for 2 more days to bring it up to 3 teaspoons per 10 gallons. You will have to adjust how much you use when doing water changes. You may want to give this a try.
I thought he said Black moor (Carassius auratus), surely that is a coldy not a tropical angel fish ?

I would have thought the medication of this fish would be the same as tropical but an increase in tank temp is not required ?
Tolak: Thanks for the advice!

I should have added that I am based in the UK and have been trying to get hold of alot of the meds that are being recommended from here and other sites but can find a UK retailer that has anything.

I have tried to find metronidazole, hex-a-mit, flagy. Only to find metronidazole in pill form for people.

Anyone know of anywhere I can get some hard to find fish meds?

He is looking a lot more chirpy today which is nice. I am keeping him at around 72 at the moment but I have read that the parasite develops quicker in warmer tempretures. I will keep him at a higher temp for now but let me know if this information is correct.

Anyone else who has expereince with this, please lemme know how you sorted it.

Thanks again

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