Hex kit from walmart filter

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Fish Addict
May 15, 2005
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Hey all.

i bought a hex 5g kit from wm today for my betta girl. It has a filter that has a flow of 35 gph, when normals are about 100gph. the filter is one in the hood :/ , so it can't be removed, but would it be too strong of flow for my betta girl. I only have one.

Also, while we are on the subject. How many betta girls could live together in this 5g without killing one another? Like could maybe 2 go together with little probs or 4? I know odd #'s are a no no.
Odd numbers are fine, actually. Two females in one tank is generally bad because one becomes dominant and makes life miserable for the other one. Three is generally bad because there aren't enough to spread the aggression around...two will sometimes gang up on the other one. Four is the minimum number for most females to be peaceful. Of course, it depends on the females. A group of four may fight constantly...a group of two may live together in complete peace.

It'd probably be wise, if you want a female community, to house 6 of them in a 10 gallon tank. It seems to be the number that produces the best results, in a tank that is large enough to accomodate them.
Since Kiarra covered more of it :) I'll just comment on the filter.
I don't think it would be a really strong current.
Oh yeah! The filter. I totally forgot. :p

You're welcome to try it. If she doesn't like it, turn it off. If she doesn't mind it, go ahead and use it. Tolerance to current really depends on the Betta. Some hate the slightest water movement, and some don't mind a filter a bit. :)
Could I put a few clouds in with her then? I dont NEED to put more, just would like to.

It will be perfectly fine for me to have to leave her solitary, I just hate to have to do that to them :( . I think clouds would be alright b/c I've had four in a 10 with a male before and he didn't know they were there...

(Oh btw: females can flare?!?!?!?!?!)

Edit: Changed for------>four
Females can and do flare. :)

I wouldn't really recommend White Clouds in a 5. They need be to kept in groups of 5+, and the 5 gall just doesn't have enough room.

ADFs would make great companions for her, though.
I have a pair of ADF's in my 5 with my boy. He has fallen in love with them. Every time I look at the tank, all three of them are together. I love it. I want to get ADF's for all my tanks. Time for an upgrade, I need bigger tanks.
Okay, ADFs it is. Those are kinda "different" than what we normallyhave had. Gotta try it some time. this tank has no holes in the top, so they couldn't escape.

HEY they MAIN reason I bought this tank today is that wm had a $10 roll back on it!!!!!! It was 39.97 and now it is 29.97!!!! The last time I went in there was approx 4-5 DAYS ago!!!! WOW!!!

They also carry a new tank size now. A 20h. the pricing is crazy b/c you could buy 2 10gs for 10 less than you could to buy one of those, but I guess it is b/c its new.

Should I make da bebe wait 24hrs before putting her in the tank? I know that's rec, but y'all always seem to say something diff. Should I wait longer, or 24 hrs, or she should be fine...

(the book say 3-4 hrs that came with it)
She can probably go right in, unless your water is drastically different from Walmart's.

And it sounds like you got a great deal on that tank. :)
:nod: I sure did! I was SOOO happy, b/c I always wanted a hex for my boy betta, but that was when they were 40, so I had to settle for a tall 5 g that is only 1'x7''-8'' at the base. I hate tall containers, they look disproportionate to me. So now I can sell that one and get him a hex! YAY!

Back to my daughter...

SHe's been in a 1g bowl at my house for about a week now. All came from the same tap...
Oh, then that should be just fine then, especially if you're planning to either not cycle it, or do a with fish cycle. As soon as everything is clean, set up, and dechlorinated, plop that little girl right in there and she should be fine.
only one thing concerns me now, shes had black stress lines running down her body ever since I bought her. After I caught her and placed her in a cup to do the transfer, her gills (the plates on the outside, not the actual gills) developed red verticle stripes. She could have had them before, but she was hard to see in that bowl. I had her beside the male's tank, could she want to mate? Or is that something else?

Also, should I be concerned that she still has stress lines?
The black stress lines will more than likely go away when you get her settled in her new home. Don't be concerned about them much, because some females stress easier than others.

The red vertical lines on her gill plates are gill bars, which are a sign of her returning to her natural color, and will probably appear there when she's settled down again. They are perfectly natural and nothing to worry about.
okay! thanx kiarra, fish enthusiast, mm, and newfishies! Your help was much appreciated!

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