Heterandria formosa


New Member
Jul 10, 2004
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Hi! Does anyone here keep/raise these fish? I'm about to get a pair or two and would like any info on them as there seems to be surprisingly little on the net.


Sorry I've never heard of a dwarf livebearer. I have heard of endlers which are like guppies but much smaller. I've also heard of mosquito fish which also resemble the guppy, but never heard of what you have. Do you have a picture?
Google found 2800 responses when I searched...

Try starting with the North American Native Fishes Association. As well, your local aquarium society should be a good place to get a line on them.




This one is "on my list", as well as a number of other micro-poeciliids. Try looking also for Gambusia affinis (&/or holbrooki), Girardinus falcatus, and maybe even some Limias for a change. All very interesting livebearing fish and worth maintaining for a few generations.

These fish will readily live and breed in a 2 gallon tank, but to see them at their best, give them a planted 15 - 30 gallon with some corydoras or otocinclus for cleaners.

Don't forget also to share and distribute your fish with other hobbyists! That is the best way to make connections for the next rare find! :kana:

Good luck,

Currently breeding:
Girardinus falcatus
Chaplicthys pardalis
Archocentrus sajica
Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Julidochromis transcriptus 'gombi'
snowyangel said:
Sorry I've never heard of a dwarf livebearer. I have heard of endlers which are like guppies but much smaller. I've also heard of mosquito fish which also resemble the guppy, but never heard of what you have. Do you have a picture?
1202 posts to your credit. Are all of them as useful as this?

Try reading the posts without hitting reply. Maybe you could learn something.
42 posts to your "credit". And are all of them as petty as this?*

(* Answer = yes. This guy's pathetic, I've seen his other posts. The only reason he hasn't left TFF his because we can't fit his ego through the door.)
Whats your problem!? Are you out to hunt me? I'm sorry my knowledge doesn't compare to yours(*cough sarcasm cough*), but im glad it doesn't. Stop insulting people to make yourself look higher, be smart and use your manners. People will not take advice from a screaming baby.
friendly always, but snowy it trying to learn something too. just because you have done your reaseach and know about these fish doesnt mean that you are better than snowy. i know for a fact that snowy has helped far more people than you and has been far nicer. i would like to see you go into a thread and not know what its about and have some questions, are you just gonna sit there? learning doesnt always have to be in silence, in fact im pretty sure your going to be mad that almost every member in this forum will post asking a question if they dont know what it is. get over yourself, your not that great.
copeina, your remark to snowy was out of order. this is a friendy forum and member bashing is not allowed. perhaps you should read the rules before hitting the reply button also.

keep the topic on track.
I am currently breeding the fish you are talking about, as well as gambusia affins, limia melanogaster, ameca splendens and xenophallus umbrellatis, I only have limias available as of now but soon others should be.

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