Heterandria Formosa Hybrids To Come Soon


New Member
Jun 14, 2007
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Metro Atlanta Ga.
My Newest breeding is with Heterandria Formosa X Poecilia Reticulata......I put 4 Vergin Female guppys in the tanks with 70 or so least killies...One if def pregnant.after a couple of weeks.in with them .. I have know Idea how these breedings will come out.... I'll keep you posted....(Still working on cold hardy guppys)... Toni-Marie
Well u know i dont like cross breeding any fish.

But it's an interest to some people and make sure u get the photo's, but I'll think a heterandira cross will be impossible. let us know how it goes.
Well u know i dont like cross breeding any fish.( Hi, She is def. pregnant...I've sat and watched them for long periods of time... The mal :*e s sure do chase them also...Not to sound ugly or anything but these fish are so easy to get, Try a few yourself. I know you dont like to crossbreed but It's easy and fast so you can see i'M NOT JUST BULL******* You....If you were here in the states I would love to send you a few for your own observations... Yes I know there are diff in the males gonopodium, But hey they do the trick... )
But it's an interest to some people and make sure u get the photo's, but I'll think a heterandira cross will be impossible. let us know how it goes. ( Yes I will keep you posted... May I ask why you think no fry will be produced?... Yes the males are tiny but the formosa females are pretty big, some a inch long. Also one of the other guppy females also may be pregnant also... If they live or die, or can reproduce live fry is anyones guess at this time.....But the one is deff exspecting...I've been in the med. feild as a R.N. for alomost 20 years...Our New Book on Longtail fowl is available now. www.bantamlongtails.com Thanks Toni-Marie
I'm not dissing you!!!!

If i had the space i would not even try crossing them, I've had 100's of them over the years, inc what was called heteranderia bimaculata but if you get fry I will be checking out the photo's, surly in a forum it's good to have a diverse opinion and not loads of people going

Thats good....

Also many uni's do crossbreeding studies all the time with livebearers, but have never heard of a valid crossing of these to species befor.
This isn't helping my dyslexia. Anyways, I don't think I've ever heard of a heterandria formosa crossbreed with anything. I've kept mine with guppies for about a year now, nothing out of the ordinary, but let us know how it goes.
This isn't helping my dyslexia. Anyways, I don't think I've ever heard of a heterandria formosa crossbreed with anything. I've kept mine with guppies for about a year now, nothing out of the ordinary, but let us know how it goes.

Don't worry your not the only person here with dyslexia, I've got it quite bad and find replying takes a long time, and it's taken me years to lurn the names of all these fish.

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