He's blown up like a Sunday chicken...

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Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2005
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Waukon/Postville, Iowa
Well, I thought maybe the gravel had been irritating him, so I decided last night I'd do a waterchange tonight. NOPE. Woke up this morning, looked at him, and pow....he was 'blown up' *my title, to me, sounds bad...that's my feelings on Fabio's poor little tail*
I changed his water, put river rocks in *kind from walmart* put a bit more than 1/4 tsp of salt in, and little more t han 1/4 tsp of Stress Coat. His tank is about 2 gallons, and if he needs more of that stuff in, lemmie know. I did not put melafix this time as I was not sure how much exactly to put in. I do have Fungus Clear tablets that I can use if the salt and stress coat doesn't work. I anticipate doing about daily water changes. Just what I needed...He probably got all my stress vibes and unknowingly made them worse. :/ Fatima and the goldies are fine tho *knock on wood* And to think I wanted another betta... :crazy: I gotta get this one to work out first.
Any other info or advice would be great.
I'm sorry to hear that...

But the fungus tablets are good. My betta had rot and he got healed. I have one that has rot now, and hes healing quite nicely! Try the fungus clear (walmart right?) tablets, but break it into 5 = pieces! Put on piece in there BUT do a water change first!!!!! After you put the tab in there, your water will be a dark green, but dont do another water change until its time for another dose. (Approx 4 days) Dont dose again, tho, if he;s better. Hth!

and GREAT LUCK to you and your pal!
Thanks for the input.
I do have those tablets you are talking about, but will try the salt/stress coat first for a couple days. BettaMomma said she's had some luck with doing that. But if he gets progressivly worse, the tablets will go in.
Glad to know the tablets are good....I got almost all the tablet meds, etc. for emergencies :p From the past, I know I can't be too prepared.
I do have Melafix...I've seen some have had luck with that, others not. I'm not sure of the proper dosage to use, so unless I get input with that, I shan't use it for now. :thumbs:
Thanks again mlee0332 :)
Sounds like you're doing things just fine!
I can't give you advice on the MelaFix cuz I just don't use it.
I'm not sure about the tablets you're talking about either, cuz I just don't use those either.

My split tank at home is to the point where I think I need to do some medicating for finrot. They're just in horrible shape - and they don't get better no matter what I do. Uugh! It's so frustrating.

Do you have any maracyn on hand? You might want to try that right off if you get to the point where see it's getting worse fast. If you have meds like that, you'll wanna invest in some kind of kitchen poultry cutter, or garden pruner (unused, of course) thingy. This right here is what I use to cut my tablets with:
You must make sure to wash it with warm soapy water first, tho - cuz they put a thin coat of grease on the blades for shipping.

Keep us posted!
BettaMomma- thanks for the support and info :)
At the homestead we might have some maracyn and maracyn 2...but it would be a couple years old. Mum got it when her first betta started getting dropsey. I'm not sure where she ordered it from...she wasn't going to make a special trip to Lacrosse just for it *as that's the closest place I know, as Walmart doesn't have any* and I haven't 'learned' to drive up there yet. :crazy: it's crazy I know.

The fungus clear tablets are by Jungle...they are able to treat: fungus, tail, fin, or mouth rot, hemorrhagic septicemia, clamped fins, and help with dropsy, also in small print: furunculosis, eye cloud, pop eye, and swimbladder disease. You do one dose, then 4 days after you do a 25% waterchange and the next dose.
They work great for me. But then again, I've only cured 2 fish :/ . My betta is well already and hes got about 2 more days to go before i do the water change. He won't need another dose, so I'll have to do a 100% change b/c I haven't a carbon filter for that tank yet :/
I did put a chunklet of the tablet in tonight. I think he has gotten a bit worse, but I have looked and his anal fin does not have splits in it. It does look like more has happened to his tail fin tho since I've been gone. I do notice some red dots on his 'dorsal' fin as well. I'm hoping that I'll get him fixed up...I have honestly never saved one of my sick fish, when they've gotten sick. I hate admitting that, and it kills me, but I've had awful luck in the past. That's why I started on goldfish, but that didn't turn out great either. I have 2 that are good, nothing seems to be wrong, and I pray it stays that way. If I am able to not save Fabio...and I will keep on trying like nothing else, I think I'll stick to female bettas. Fatima has been with me for about 2 months and has had no problems *so far, knock on wood* and I've had Fabio for about 2 weeks and now this. I think my stress has surrounded my poor fish, and also, that gravel *small chunky stuff* caused this. So now he has nice normal river rock, and I will try not to emit so much bad stress vibes. :p
My fish, Apollo has fin rot and there are many others on this forum that have their fish with this too. Is this an epidemic or what? I keep hoping Apollo gets better. He is really a crazy fish and I have really gotten to like him. He has been with us for 2 1/2 weeks and for him to get this after being with us for 2 weeks seems strange.
Thankfully, I think his tail doesn't look worse. It's not better, but not worse. I will run the dosage of Fungus Clear. I put 2 ex. drops of stress coat in this morning. I hope it's not too much. But I think he knows I'm worried/stressed, and man, he gave me quite an impressive lil' bubblenest. It's just one layer, but it's a doozy! I've never had one that big before from him, or any other boy in the past. I will upload it sometime, if I get done eating and have time I will. I'll be going up to LaCrosse today to see my dad this morning.
At least Fabio is in good spirits with all this, and creating lil' wonders for me to see. :D I'm just happy Fatima is normal, and my goldies are too. :p


there's the nest!
Nice nest! He obviously feels good and is enjoying life :)

Finrot most often can be corrected by upping the frequency of your water changes, if you determine that the root cause of it isn't that they're dragging their fins across rough rocks (which most of mine do - uugh).

Anyway, keep on doing what you're doing and keep the water sparkly and he should be fine in no time :)
I certianly am happy that he is happy. :)
I put the med. in because that night it seemed he had shredded some more, but he doesn't seem any worse now. I'll maybe let that sit another day or so, and perhaps maybe go to regular water changes, stress coat, aq. salt, etc. He hasn't split anywhere else yet, so I think the meds and the river rock has helped. I'd never used that gravel before with any fish...always afriad that any fish I had would try and eat it. -_- I think I might stand a chance of 'fixing' him. :unsure: I just doubt myself because of the rotten luck of the past. I think Fatima is trying to copy him...I see these lil' bubbles all sporatically placed on top of the water, and it's water change day, so no bubbles should be in there, unless betta-made :) she's a sweetie. ...look like lil' stars in her tank, lol.

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