He's abandoned his eggs what should I do?


Fish Crazy
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
Luton, Bedfordshire
My brown male bristlie and my golden female bristlie decided to have a go at making some babies, there was lots of eggs this morning in the barnacle so I did what I always do and got an ice cream tub put the barnacle in it and then moved it to its own tank, dad decided not to go with the barnacle so I caught him and put him in with the eggs, but he doesn't want to know. I haven't had my brown male very long so I don't know if he's bred before but this is his first time for me. What can I do? The eggs are a beautiful orange colour and theres loads of them. Would my golden male look after them?? or would he be annoyed she's cheated on him :dunno: My golden male is a very good dad. I would like to save these but I have no idea wht to do. I have put some esha in which helps against fungus. Will they survive without being fanned?
Please help
I dont think the other male would care for the eggs. How about an airstone placed close by to simulate the fanning. Good luck with them.
Thanks, I did think of moving my small internal filter down so that it slightly blows on the eggs (only slightly though) I'm not sure where I'd place the airstone as I don't want too much air on them, I will have a go and see. He's just stuck to the side of the tank at the moment, I'll leave him in the tank and see if he changes his mind. Will they survive if dad decides not to look after them? My goldens have bred many times but I haven't come across this.
I have moved my filter to the bottom and turned it on its side, it is blowing gently onto the eggs and they are moving slightly, is this too much air?
Moving slightly should be ok. When my kribs had eggs i could see her fanning them and they moved quite a bit. Hope they make it for you. I havent bred bristlenoses so i hope someone else can come and help you, good luck.
Once the eggs are out in the open they will get eaten - even buy the bristle noses themselves.

If you have another tank that is empty - syphon the eggs out and pout them in the other tank - Is this the first few attempts they have had at eggs?

Ours took 3-4 times to get the right idea.

if they are not happy with their environment (eg the company they have and the availability of food) they will not want to breed so wou might need to look at their tank mates.

Hopefully it is just teething problems and they will get it right in the end.

If you seperate the eggs, make sure the tank has good flow so the eggs dont get fungus - they will hatch and as long as nothing is in there to eat them they will live fine without dad to look after them ;)
sorry for that post - the information is correct but i didn't read the original thread...
He's in and out of the barnacle like a yo-yo. Will he eat them if he's not happy? He is on his own with them in their own tank. They are still a lovely orange colour. If he doesn't settle shall I take him out and leave the filter flowing gently on them?
I think he is more likely to eat them than take care of them now...if the eggs don't get a good airing they will fungus for sure ("moving slightly" is good!)

Good luck!!!
Thanks all, I'm going to take him out now. He was in the barnacle this morning and has kicked about 4 eggs out which are still orange but I think they are starting to fungus as they have very small white dot on them :( just had a good look in the barnacle and there are quite a few with very small white dots on :( I have had a few fungus eggs before with my goldens which went pure white, but these are still orange so I'll cross my fingers they'll be ok.I have the filter blowing on them so hopefully they'll be ok, they'll start to hatch in about 3-4 days time so I'll find out then.

Just to update. I couldn't get him out so I left him in with the eggs. He is fanning and mouthing them so hopefully they'll be ok. I can't really see the eggs very well but they are still in there and look orange so hopefully they'll hatch in a day or 2. :)

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