Hermits/shrimps With Fish?


New Member
Apr 24, 2007
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Poole/Dorset England
can i keep shimps/hermits with 1xflame angel 1xclown wrasse 2xyellow tail damsels and 2xfeather dusters is it safe to put hermits in?? its just i think i have diatoms? a rust colour layer or skank on live rock. if i can how many can i keep in a juwel trigon 190?
im not sure about the clown wrasses agression or habits ... but i beleive the other 2 will be alright with hermits and shrimp.

your have to wait an see what someone who knows more about clown wrasses then me thinks though :p
Clown Wrasses (Coris gaimard) are a natural predator of hermit crabs, feather dusters and shrimps (but probably not cleaner shrimps). To keep them from attacking hermit crabs (most of the time), feed often and provide rubble for the wrasse to dig in.
im not sure about the clown wrasses agression or habits ... but i beleive the other 2 will be alright with hermits and shrimp.

your have to wait an see what someone who knows more about clown wrasses then me thinks though :p
He is as good as gold really comes out about 6am until about 8.30am for food then burrows under the substrate until next morning, sometimes he pops out for ten to see whos about, apart from that he is a very placid friendly fish
Will agree with that Lynden, although another common wrasse called the "Clown wrasse" is Cirrhilabrus Solorensis which is of course compatibile with inverts. I'd look up pictures of the one lynden and the one I mentioned and see which one you have danny :)
Im a bit confused, when i bought the wrasse the lady i got him from said he was a clown, but every google image ive looked at look nothing like him, mine is like a dark orangey colour with electric blue dots that start from halfwy down and end at his tail. he also has 2 white markings either side of his head and 1 on the top of his head?? any ideas
Thats the one, the top one is closer to it, im pretty miffed now cos i cant really keep any hermits cos it will prob eat them. Anyone wanna buy a wrasse who lives in south of england lol cheers for the help.
Heh, yeah Coris wrasses are definite crustacean eaters. They will also sometimes throw LR rubble across the tank looking for food underneath :hyper:

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