Hermit Shedding


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
My Clibanarius shed last night. He'd been hiding for about a week and I found the shed skin today. Not sure where he's at but probably tucked into a hole somehwere waiting to harden up. I started to take the old exoskeleton out worrying it would pollute the water, but then put it back where I found it because I remembered that when I had freshwater crays, they ate their shed skins as soon as they'd gotten their new ones toughened up. But, none of my land hermits ever did that. Do I leave the skin in or take it out?
Ok, thanks! I will leave it in, and I guess if my Clibanarius decides not to eat it one of my snails probably will after it's mushed up enough.
Same goes with Shrimps as well, they will either degrade or be eating

I have been shocked a couple of time to see my Sally eating what I thought was a shrimp, but was just its shed exo.
I left my hermits old exo-skeleton in. Somehting ate it cause it wasnt there the next day. :) I agree wirth the others.

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