Hermit Least Likely To Kill Snails


Jun 20, 2007
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Long Island, NY
Well, I'm still planning out my stocking, but I know that I want a hermit or two. I don't plan on having hermits as the main part of my CUC, as I don't want the associated snail problems you get with having several of them.

My question is, what is the hermit species least likely to kill a snail for it's shell(or just be a general pain)? I understand that all hermits will if there are none around, but I've read that some will kill a snail anyway even if there are shells.

Also, I saw a chocolate-chip star at the LFS yesterday and it look like it was about to explode from being so swollen. Did it have eggs or is this some kind of starfish disease?
Clibanarius digueti (if the ID is right...they're often sold as "red-tip" or "red-leg" hermtis, although there are a few species sold as "red-leg") is great with snails - I've kept lots and never had them show aggression towards snails, even small ones.
Agreed. Your only other option would be a larger hermit like an electric blue IF kept with small snails. My electric blue which inhabits a larger turbo shell doesn't bother with my smaller cerith, nassarius, astrea, trochus, and margarita snails. It did kill the turbo for its shell though... :lol:

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