Hermit Crabs


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2005
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Anyone in the US that lives where you can get hermit crabs cheaply or that raises them??? I'd like to get my sons a few more for this aquarium and not pay $8.99 for them!
yvez9 said:
do you want land hermit crabs or the marine species?

I'm sorry; I should have said. I just want the land type. We have a ten gallon set up with this bedding stuff. They have a water "lake" (VERY shallow bowl thing), piece of cork wood to climb, multiple shells to choose from, and a food dish. We saw this neat "climbing" mat today that we are going to get tomorrow when I go back to lfs to pick up my other kuhlis.
Get a sponge and soak it in water and put it in a bowl. There is canned food you feed them. You should be able to get them at PetCo or a local pet shop pretty cheap.

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