So true, so true!!! My own friend told me that she "didn't feel so bad about fish" as she did "furry things." She got so chewed out, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. You all have a very good point, here--fish feel pain as much as any other animal. I can't understand why people doubt that; when you think about it, pain is absolutely essential to life for almost every living animal--birds, mammals, reptiles, fish. That anyone could have such disregard for another living thing is disgusting, and yet, in the world of fish, it all too common. My own mother is guilty of that: she flushed two live goldfish down the toilet because they were picking on her other goldfish, Bubbles, which I now I have in my possession because I was sick of the poor girl having to live 3 years in a 5 gallon. Sad thing is, so many fish have it even worse.
I will recognize that it is true that some species of carnivorous fish must have live food to survive. But actually, while researching my book on fish, I've found out that many keepers of such fish say that live feeders are to be avoided--they are unhealthy and often carriers of disease. If people do have to feed live fish, however, I think that utmost consideration should be given to the feeder as long as it is alive--good conditions, no cramping, as much care as is given to any other fish. Owners should also be careful not to feed too large a feeder to too small a predator, lest they end up getting torn apart. THAT isn't right. Nevertheless, I do still hold to the fact that feeders are actually a rather bad idea, and should be avoided anyway.