here's a horror story for you


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
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Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
i was bagging her dad's feeder goldfish and we were standing in front of the bettas and she said and i quote "i used to have one of these but he was boring and i didnt want him anymore so i put him in my turlte tank and they killed him"

i looked at her with a look and she looked at me then put her head down and shut up, i must look mean or something when i give the 'die' look lol

anyway thought i'd share how stupid some people are :S
The evil stare look she deserved it.
Maybe it's just me - but how is that so different from feeding live goldfish to other fish? I can't get my head round this feeder goldies and feeder guppy idea. :dunno:

You are right. There is no difference in it. In the end it is still one fish being fed to another fish...
there's a big difference...

putting a fish in a tank where it will be killed because you don't want it anymore is stupid and immature

buying feeder fish to feed other fish is preference, some fish out there will only eat live fish
I see Sarah's point and I've used that argument as well in the past.

But Mr.Bones..
putting a fish in a tank where it will be killed because you don't want it anymore is stupid and immature
Is right on the money here.
By the way,bones....I've seen your recent pic in rogues ( :drool: ) You're deliciously evil. It's a good thing :hey:
Theres not much difference. AS said before, should we only look after the pretty things? I do agree it was cruel and immature though. And if its so nessecary to throw live goldfish in other fish tanks, then how do we manage over here where its illegal?
The way i see it, is if you are only in the fish keeping hobby simply because you think fish and tanks will look nice in your house and fish are pretty, you simply shouldn't be the hobby at all.

I think the main problem in fish keeping today is that not enough people look at fish as living things- they just see them as objects which look nice.
Unfortunatly though a fish just isn't somthing that can put with any other fish and that it can look after itself and can be thrown away when you grow tired of it- its a living thing.
Actually i think people acknolege fish as living things but they simply don't give them the same living rights as say, a rabbit because
a. they think they are incredibly stupid so don't have emotions/feelings
and b. they can't interact with fish as much as you can with a rabbit i.e hug it so people do not get very emotional about them.

The reason i think bettas get so mistreated all the time is because they are so beuitful- more than often they are just seen as a pretty shelf item...

Its a sad fact but thats the way i see it why people can be so cruel to bettas...Im strongly against cruelty against all animals not matter how dumb(although personally i think bettas are very bright fish) they are, they still have the same living rights as any other living thing and should be treated rightly and with care :nod: .
Tokis-Phoenix said:
a rabbit i.e hug it
Bah, the last time I tried 'hugging' my rabbit as it were (although it was really just picking her up) I ended up with great big claw marks on my arm. But well said, slightly off, but take the tiny tanks you see (no, I'm not trying to change the topic so don't try). If you kept, say, a rabbit or a kitten in a cage of those sort of proportions, what would happen? Would there be a massive public outcry? Or would everyone go 'Oh, its OK. They only have a short memory span anyway, and it looks pretty in there don't you think? Besides its not as if you can't get a new one.'
So true, so true!!! My own friend told me that she "didn't feel so bad about fish" as she did "furry things." She got so chewed out, I almost feel sorry for her. Almost. You all have a very good point, here--fish feel pain as much as any other animal. I can't understand why people doubt that; when you think about it, pain is absolutely essential to life for almost every living animal--birds, mammals, reptiles, fish. That anyone could have such disregard for another living thing is disgusting, and yet, in the world of fish, it all too common. My own mother is guilty of that: she flushed two live goldfish down the toilet because they were picking on her other goldfish, Bubbles, which I now I have in my possession because I was sick of the poor girl having to live 3 years in a 5 gallon. Sad thing is, so many fish have it even worse.

I will recognize that it is true that some species of carnivorous fish must have live food to survive. But actually, while researching my book on fish, I've found out that many keepers of such fish say that live feeders are to be avoided--they are unhealthy and often carriers of disease. If people do have to feed live fish, however, I think that utmost consideration should be given to the feeder as long as it is alive--good conditions, no cramping, as much care as is given to any other fish. Owners should also be careful not to feed too large a feeder to too small a predator, lest they end up getting torn apart. THAT isn't right. Nevertheless, I do still hold to the fact that feeders are actually a rather bad idea, and should be avoided anyway.

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