So in the past few weeks, my tank has really been decreased as far as my stock goes. I took some to my LFS, gave a school of neons to a friend, and yesterday, my two main fish both passed. The thread is on here somewhere about them, but its nothing that affects the actual tank.
55 Gallons, standard 4 foot tank.
Sand, driftwood, live plants.
Ammonia/Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 30
Fluval Canister filter, rated for a 65 gallon tank.
50% WC weekly or so- as I have been adding more plants, the need for water changes has certainly decreased.
pH: 7.5
Current Stock:
1 M Betta
1 Whiptail Cat
3 Swordtails
4 Polka Dot Loaches
2 Bamboo Shrimp
So, with the death of my center piece fish (two angels), and the loss of my school, i'm pretty open. I do intend to add two more loaches, but other than that, I'm at a loss. I don't know that I want angels again, and honestly I'm not a huge fan of gouramis. I really like Denison Barbs, not sure of their suitability though. Any ideas would be great!
55 Gallons, standard 4 foot tank.
Sand, driftwood, live plants.
Ammonia/Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 30
Fluval Canister filter, rated for a 65 gallon tank.
50% WC weekly or so- as I have been adding more plants, the need for water changes has certainly decreased.
pH: 7.5
Current Stock:
1 M Betta
1 Whiptail Cat
3 Swordtails
4 Polka Dot Loaches
2 Bamboo Shrimp
So, with the death of my center piece fish (two angels), and the loss of my school, i'm pretty open. I do intend to add two more loaches, but other than that, I'm at a loss. I don't know that I want angels again, and honestly I'm not a huge fan of gouramis. I really like Denison Barbs, not sure of their suitability though. Any ideas would be great!