Here They Are


Mar 19, 2006
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Canada, Ontario
ive had 2 females for quite some time now

and ive had a male for a month

i just got a brand new male and i want to show you all of them :D

here is my new veiltail male : names tim because he is very timid :wub:


here is the second male: named cookie monster - hes blue and eats everything :shifty:



heres cherry in her new bowl *i seperated the 2 girls so theyt could have their own space-
she is very hard to get a pic of all the does it swim around looking for cheesecake



and best for last cheesecake :D *the first thing i said when i saw her*



and here is where they live *except cookie monster* from left to right we have

cherry, tim, cheese cake
Nice! Are those bowls covered? The 'streamlined' females can jump. :crazy:
:drool: did the girls live together Ok then, not argue? The bowls are worrying me as well in case your girlies try to jump!
ive had them in a bowl forever and they've never tried to jump :/

but i can get some lid's

and yeah they lived in a 2 gallon bowl and didnt argue :D
i changed the arrangement around :) i put the two girls beside each other and now they are happy

cheesecake and tim were very close at one point and i saw tims first flare, he has even started on his first bubble nest :wub:

Very cute set-ups, they're all beautiful Bettas! :*

You had 2 girls in a 2g bowl? Wow, that would freak me out. I had 2 sisters in a 7gal and that alone made me nervous... was Cherry nipped in your avvy? I'm glad they have their own space now!
alot of people asked that

the answer is no, i bought her like that

they were both purchases from wal*mart

i saw them both and just had to have them

but only had one tank

and at first i was very scared :crazy:

then i saw how they acted, both very timid fish, they would swim side by side

:) all was good, but i sold the 2 gallon for 2 half gallon bowls so they could both have their space :)
Its like my two from Jobys they have to see each other and never flare at each other. They do at their reflections and my veiltales! :lol:
They are gorgeous :wub: and I love their names :D

Yes, lids are a must as you never know when they can jump, not nice to find a betta crisp on the floor :-(

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