Here Is My New 57L Tropical Tank!

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Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2012
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Hi all how is everybody, I hope everyone's fish are healthy!

I Recently moved home and decided to buy a bigger fish tank from my fluval edge (I have that set up too) Which my partner didn't like the idea. So I came up with a idea, As the tv is on the wall I told her if I buy a bigger fish tank with a cabinet I can put the skybox and xbox one under the cabinet so killing both birds with one stone sort of speak. She agreed and I ordered the tank and cabinet only to find that the xbox didn't fit (as a sneaky way I already new this but it got me a bigger fish tank LMAO)

Any way here it is.

Its a week old marina premium 57 in white with white cabinet.

It has a Red veil tail Siamese fighter in called dougal and a small plec.

It has a marina 50w heater
Marina 160i filter
Fluval 88g Co2 kit with fluval co2 drop checker
glo sun lamp
And a marina algae magnet

It has a sand substrate with 3 vallis 1 amazon sword, 3 java ferns some indian floating fern and a plant I don't know what is called lol.
Also it has a piece of bogwood in.

Its in the middle of cycling and when it has finished there will be a few neons and a couple of corys going in.

I am using seachem prime and seachem flourish excell
I use api ammonia and nitrite tests and tetra dip tests for weekly checks.

I hope every one has some constructive criticism to offer me.

Thanks for looking!

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Had a quick swap around


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Very pretty tank :) Is that a red background or just the color of the wall behind it? I'm guessing the wall since I can see a wire.
Do you plan on adding a background? I think tanks always look nicer with them and imagine a different colored one would show your betta more..since he is red against a red background right now. :p
Am I reading right that you use liquid api tests for ammonia and nitrite and for the others you use tetra strips?
What sort of pleco do you have? I am not a fan of any really in this size tank but a bristlenose may be okay.
If you don't know what type it is you can post a pic and someone should be able to ID it.
Be aware when adding fish with your betta he may not like them. Or they might pick on him..I have heard of neon tetras being nippy so keep an eye out for that.
The only cories suitable for this tank would be pygmaeus, hastatus, habrosus..and panda, but the panda are out since the betta needs warmer water than what they should be in.
Looking forward to more pics..maybe some close ups of the betta? :wub:
I have had the Siamese in my fluval edge and I'm basically taking the fish out of that then slowly adding them to the bigger tank.
The only thing I am possibly buying are the corys and I was thinking of pandas,
I Have the temp at 26c.
Yeah I don't have a background yet I was going to add a plain black or brown one. I don't know yet.
The pleco is a clown pleco if I can remember correctly. I'm sure I got corrected on this forum a while ago though.
I will get some close ups of the Siamese when the water settles. He has beautiful colours when you catch him in the right light. He is bright red with neon blue inbetween his fins.
Thanks for all your nice comments.
Oh sorry I'm confused. So the betta is or is not being mixed with the other fish?
26c is around the minimum for the betta..and it is over the max for pandas, so I would really suggest against getting those. Keeping them at a higher temp will shorten their life span.
I vote for a black background but of course it's your tank :) Black usually makes plant and fish colors pop.
Can't wait to see more of your betta!
Yeah he was originally in my fluval edge with some other fish, But now I am swapping tanks basically so they all are in a bigger tank, What would you suggest for a few bottom feeders then? The tank is far too small for clown loaches or a red tailed shark, I want something on the bottom of the tank but not shrimp, I'm not a shrimp fan.
What would you say about bronze corys? They have a slightly higher temperature range?

Thanks for your help
The only other cories besides panda suitable for this size tank would be pygmaeus, hastatus, or habrosus. I like habrosus as they stick to the bottom more than the other two. HERE is more information on them. :)
Thanks I will ask my lfs if they stock them, It would be a while any way as my ammonia is 0.5ppm With no sign of nitrite yet.

Here is a photo of my Siamese sorry about the quality, There is only so much you can do with a camera phone lol!


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