thats is a BIG number!!!!!!! wow, your ferret is lovely!!!!!!! i want one, but if so i would keep it with me and go back with it, toargentna, wich i dont know if they an be kept with you in the airplane .....
like a small cage but keep it with you
also im not sure how to keep it in my friend house...she has this huuuge labrador, yellow, its my niece
(sister of Camila, my dog) but she's alittle bit too "donkey" sometimes.... so... im not sure where in the world to put her with me
i'll have to do tons of resear such as my friend home, the hotel (when my parents go back, 2 months after) and how to keep it
well... as i sed u have lovely cats and a wonderful ferret!!!
i need to go back to my fishies cuz i accidetnly live the tube line gettin water out of the tank into the bucket to do a water change...and oh my god..i forgot and now its like a 75% percent
im soooo dumb! (i went downstairs to drink some warm milk
and then i kept talkin with my brother) i kno i suck