Herbivore Or Carnivore


New Member
Jun 23, 2009
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can any one answer this
which fish would digest its food the fastest a small tropicl algea eater or a large cold water carniore thank for any help you can give
It's not a fair comparison. It is highly depenedent on type of food, amount of food, the exact temperature, the type of fish doing the digesting. It isn't a black or white question. Many more variables need to be locked down.

Why do you ask?
it a qustion i have been asked .i was just wanting to know if i was correct.
i said the algae eater becaus it has a veery small stomach and a longer intestine and the carnivore has a larger stomach for storing food.
If you had two fish the same size (1 true herbivore and 1 true carnivore), and both fish were kept at the same temperature, and were fed the same quantity of food, then the carnivore should digest the food faster because it has a shorter intestine.
However, if the fish is an omnivore, or if there is a temperature difference, a size difference in the fish, or a difference in the quantity of food, then it is impossible to say.

Generally fish kept in warm water will digest food faster than the same fish kept in cool water.
Carnivorous fish have a shorter intestine and will digest food faster than a herbivorous fish.
Fish fed small meals will digest them faster than fish fed a lot of food at one time.

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