Hengel's Rasbora And Neon Tetras


New Member
Aug 29, 2007
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for a long time i wasn't to fond of small fish, but just recently i baught 10 neon tetras and 10 hengeli rasboras, and they are beautiful.

i have them in their own tank with driftwood,a rock, and some plants, and a couple ghost shrimp.

im thinking about maybe it would look nice if i have a slightly larger solitary fish in there that evens out with my small fish.

something more slow moving and beauitiful that wont eat my rasboras or tetras, it would look nice to have a bunch of these small schooling fish swiming around while one larger fish is there. any ideas on a peaceful fish that can live alone?

nothing too big tho, maybe just 3-4 inches at most.

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