Hemichromis lifalili


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
Reaction score
:hyper: :hyper: they'r here!! they're here!!
i have six at or about 2 inches i plan to put them in a 38g and hopfully get a mating pair but how long does this usually take :unsure:
also for breeding what should my ph be like?
these fish prefer the lower ph. 6.o-7.0 rather than the higher ph of the rift lake cichlids. the female is more brightly colored than the male. will get redder and more brilliant in both sexes when mating. when they are juvies they have three spots. when the fish is matured the spot midbody disappears and only the two spots, one on the gill plate and the base of the tail is present. depends on the temp of the water. if you maintain the temps on the higher scale of what is tolerable of these fish they will mature faster. jewels tend to mature about 1-2 years of age though.

semper fi
thanks semper fi-i've been sitting here watching them for hours :wub:
the 3 smaller ones are really red and the bigger ones have more blue,does that mean anything? :unsure: :*)
the three smaller guessing, would say they are females while the three with more blue are males. they are an exception to the cichlid rule that the males are more brilliantly colored. a pair when mating will get even redder and more brilliant, if you can beleive that! beautiful fish though. jewels are one of my favorites.

semper fi
beautiful fish though. jewels are one of my favorites.
and now they'r one of my favorites :wub:

tell me what you think of this setup,i'm thinking it may be a little much :X

38g-penguin 330
2 h.lifalili
1=blockhead(forgot how to spell sci name)hehe :*)
2=african butterfly fish(PANTODON BUCHHOLZI)
dithers/targets are
was 6 now 5(very skittish)E.debauwi(glass cats)
4=phantome tetras

can snails be kept w/these fish?or should i get some algea eaters?
i think the blockheads are comunity fish go with most things. they are relatively small and all ive heard is good things about them. i was gonna get some but they look a little dull to me.
no way jamnog,their color may not be the best but they are definately not dull.you should give them a try,btw-they are or can be pretty nasty,mine kills tiger barbs for the heck of it :angry: he hates tiger barbs BIG time,but they keep him from going after my baby sajicas so :look: whats a few t barbs :X
he'll be in w/the jewels this weekend anyway. :thumbs:
Hi Mostanked

Congrats on the new fish :D

Blockheads should not be a problem. Just make sure that there are hiding places.


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