Helpppp! Need Black Ghost Expert Stat!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2009
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Bc, Canada
Help hes been normal but all of a sudden hes lying on his side and barely moving not brathing heavy no other symptoms.Used up my test strips but im picking up liqued test on wed. i was using a friends strips but got in fight and she took them the other day so cant call her...I dont know what to do ive put the Baby(1.5") black ghost in a bowl in the tank with a air pump and stone with a 1/4 tank water 3/4 new treated water. I think its from me putting in liquid ferts that were recomend to me on here but when i double check today it said they cant handle copper and the bottle says 0.0005% copper and at 5ml per ten g and its a 29g tank im afraid i poisond him!!! i ony put the amount for a 25g. what else can i doo?? :sad:
from my experience, black ghost knife fish do lay on their side i have even seen them upside down under drift wood almost looking like they were stuck under there but have been fine! they are weird but amazing fish, many BGKF i see in lfs are laying on their sides and very rarely moving, if there are no other symptoms i would just leave it for now and just watch him closely for the next few days, 0.0005% cooper is nothing, in my opinion yu would need more than that to posion the BGKF. Now in having said all that im no expert so i hope someone can give yu more info
from my experience, black ghost knife fish do lay on their side i have even seen them upside down under drift wood almost looking like they were stuck under there but have been fine! they are weird but amazing fish, many BGKF i see in lfs are laying on their sides and very rarely moving, if there are no other symptoms i would just leave it for now and just watch him closely for the next few days, 0.0005% cooper is nothing, in my opinion yu would need more than that to posion the BGKF. Now in having said all that im no expert so i hope someone can give yu more info
He just acting of which is what im worried about....He has done something like this before but when i tap him he pops up and swimd to his cave but instead he lazy sawm almost touching bottom to about2" aweay then lied down again..? and i now have him in a bowl that i keep adding freash water to ever 15 min and he perked up but sill being oddly lazy for him...?
you say yur adding freshwater to the bowl alot?? is it fresh as in tap fresh or from a mature tank,,, i know for a fact bgkf are extremely sensitive to sudden change in water stats. id be careful doing that. i havent the faintest idea of what is wrong with yurs, is he eating?? believe it or not my bgkf when i put my hand in the tank comes out and starts nibbling on my fingers and loves to swim in and out of them. which is strange considering they are over cautious about what they are around considering they are mostly blind( from what i have heard) how long have u had him??? what other tank mates do yu have, people say its wrong to keep them with cichlids but i have gts and convicts and my bgkf is the boss even though they are triple his size! its amzing to watch him boss them around long have u had him?? mine was in hiding behind the filter for two months before he would come out freely, =) hope this helps as i said im no expert but just advice from someone who has owned one for 5 months
Without water stats is hard to say, but I would assume its water quality, they cannot tolerate any ammonia or nitrIte. I dont understand why he's in a bowl of water? The best thing would be to do a large (50%) water change on the tank itself, if you have him in a bowl of water and adding tap water you are adjusting the ph quicker than in a large volumne of water.

What size is the tank? Does he have a cave/tube to hide in? What other fish are in the tank? What is the tank temperature and what do you normally feed him? Is he bloated in anyway?
He sadly passed last night. i knew it was coming he could barly get off the bottom last night. i didnt fix ut in time :sad:
im real sorry to hear that, bgkf are pretty dificult to care for from what ive heard, had no dramas with mine though, one thing id LOVE to attemp would to be breed them that would be truely amazing!!!! once again sorry to hear that,
Hi. Sorry to wake up an old thread. But I'm having some problems with my Black Ghost too.

Does anyone know why my Black Ghost is behaving like this? It's going around and around on broad daylight. Normally it stays hidden in the plants or under some rock and only comes out when it's dark. But now, it's going around in circles.

It seems to have a scratch or peeled coating on the side of its body. It was recently hit by a bad case of the Ich. It has only been 4 days since he was cleared of white spots. I treated the white spot breakout with mebendazole, metronidazole, salt and heated water successfully. The Black Ghost was still healthy after the treatment and then I had a 50% water change and added half a dose of Angel Drops StressOut. And then it started acting like this.

I took a video of the fish, please view it here: Black Ghost Knife Fish

All the other fishes seems to be acting normally. It has been 2 days since the water change and Black Ghost acting this way. I just made another 50% water change today with just anti-chlorine.

Does anyone have any experience with this product, Angel Drops - StressOut? I'm suspecting this is the culprit. I've had another black ghost death about a year ago, and StressOut was my suspect but I was not so sure, since it was a new tank, new sand, new filter and completely new water. So I was thinking it could be that there were chemicals in the sand or the glass of the tank. But I'm really beginning to conclude it was the StressOut that killed that black ghost (which I had for more than a year).

Any help would be very much appreciated!!! Thanks!!!

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