We are all here to help and we wouldn't be here if we didnt want to
A very succinct point Chac
As Chac mentions there always seems to be two types of Newbie:
Type A: Asks pertinent questions after doing basic research such as "Would this fish list be ok for my tank", "I have 'x' can I add 'y'" and so on
Type B: Asks questions after doing no research and wants quick fix answers such as "I've got 'x' and it's dying, what can I do", "My waters great with only a little Ammonia now, when can I add fish"
Type A will gain respect from the other members, will have posts answered quickly and concisely and will go on to have a wonderful tank.
Type B will float from forum to forum, tread to thread until they get the answers they want to hear. They will never fully understand the background of their tank, the processes and proceedures, and will never achieve a wonderful tank.
It's very easy for new members to fall into Type A or B but it also very easy for the new member to move from one to the other. There have been a few prime examples of this recently where a Type B Newbie has arrived and been given advice, responded to it and gone on to become a Type A. Unfortunately, there has been a few examples of Type B Newbies arriving and staying Type B but that's life.
That's the way of the world, you choose to either listen to the advice given and act on it or ignore it and do your own thing. What you can't do is moan when things go wrong to the people who told you what to do to avoid it.
My advice to any new members would be, just as there's more than one way to answer a question, there's more than one way to pose a question. What I mean by that is think about what you're asking, is it something that could be answered by a quick read of the pinned topics? Nothing frustrates people more than a question that is answered fully in a pinned topic (especially if its been created by them). Everyone realises that the same questions are asked over and over again so use the search function before adding to the long list.
(This is not a rule or a guideline, all it is is an example)
"I've got algae growing all over my tank! How do I get rid of it?"
"I've had a look on the forum and I think i've got a hair algae problem. What are the best ways to combat this?"
Which one would you rather answer? Which one will get the more detailed response?