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I have a point, just don't ask me what it is
May 21, 2005
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my own little world, which is currently in Norther
Yesterday I rescued a little boy, and now when I am looking at him, I am seeing some dark spots on one of his sides. His fins are pretty shreded, his balk half is laying on ground, twisted sideways, though his front is upright. He also has a lot of trouble swimming.

Right now his water is about 75, which is as warm as I can get it with a heating pad and a heater in his room. He is in a 1 gal container, but only in 2 inches of water so he can get to the top. Yeterday I added melafix, its at the full doe, but I carefully measured it out into exactly 1 gal of water, not a full tank. He also has salt in his water. is there anything else I can do??? I'll try to get a clear pix of it, but no gaurentees.
I'd say what you have done is good. I don't know a lot about melafix, but it has been my miracle cure for everything, but in way smaller doses. It may be too much on him, so you may consider doing a water change and either not adding it, or adding very little of it. Other than that I'm not real sure what to tell you, it sounds like you are doing all you can. Goodluck with him!
I do plan on doing a water change with him today, I just wanted to make sure I didn't need to add any thing else to his water, so he only has to go through one today. how much melafix do you add per gallon? I did .5 mil/gal.

I can't get a picture, he is hiding out under a plant, and I think he is trying to look at me, cause when I do move the plant and rotate the box, he moves to keep looking at me. Its really sweet. :wub: :wub: :wub:
I don't really measure mine out, I just kinda put one-two drops from an eye dropper in. It seems to be doing ok, Someone else may know exact measurements for you. Sorry I can't help more. But I wouldn't add anything else to the water during this water change.
So you don't think its anything bacterial, fungal, or parasitic? that was my main concern, and if i would need to add any meds for that.

I'd say drops are exact measurements. From what I know, drop size of one liquid is usually constant, though it can vary from liquid to liquid. Its good enough for me anyways. I was just using the syringe to measure it because i needed such a small amount.
The dark spots may just be part of his coloring. Are they raised lumps, or just different colored. What color is he everywhere else?
I didn't want to get into any measurement talk, b/c I am clueless when it comes to that kind of stuff. I've been in college three years, and I still can't tell you a think about measurements. Good thing I don't need to know that kind of thing to be a social worker.
The dark spot doesn't look raised at all. However, it is only on a few spots, and only on one side. From what I've seen, isn't their coloring usually semi-symetrical?

I was able to get a pix of him...he came out of hiding. There are more of these patches, just one of them is the most obvious. :(


EDIT: oops, wrong picture :*)

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