hey i had my tank going, i added 4 tiger barbs, 2 pleckos, and 1 rainbow shark. my water turned kinda cloudy but nothing serious. then the ammonia and ph went through the roof. the ammoina and ph started to slowly fall. the cloooudy water started to clear ever so slightly day by day. then last night i feed the pleckos 1 algee waifferand the water was so cloudly i couldnt even see the background. i could bairly see the the rocks and decorations for the fish to play in. i was told it might be some kind of floating algee, but i honestly have not clue what happened all i know is i am new to this and i need some major help. i added a new bigger filter today to try to help but i dont know what else to do i have tried chemicals and water changes. i need help quick. thamks everyone for imput.